OIC-Countries In Figures (OIC-CIF) presents the most recent available information with facts and figures from the 57 Member States of the OIC.

After clicking either on the flag or the name of the OIC Member Country listed below, the profile of the selected country is displayed. These profiles provide quick access to the information for each member country under the following sections:

  1. BACKGROUND includes background information of selected OIC member country is displayed concerning the selected OIC member country’s official name, national anthem (also playable), national day, capital city, and official language(s).
  2. GEOGRAPHY and CLIMATE provides information regarding the geography and climate of selected OIC member country; including information for location and geographic coordinates, total area, land boundaries, coastline, and climate and weather.
  3. SOCIETY and DEMOGRAPHICS includes information about nationality, most recent HDI score and rank, population figures, and adult literacy rate.
  4. ECONOMY and SECTORS gives a basic snapshot of the selected OIC member country's economic and financial situation. The data presented focus on exchange rate, GDP, GDP per capita, shares of education and health expenditures in GDP, unemployment rate, FDI, ODA, exports and imports figures with trade partners, important natural resources, and main agricultural products
  5. COUNTRIES IN FIGURES presents quantitative data on the selected member country for the most recent year available which are extracted from 1852 indicators under 29 categories of the OICStat Database along with timeplots available. The definition of the indicators can also be accessed through a pop-up window by clicking on the indicator name.
  6. LOGISTICS informs the users about the selected OIC member country’s time zone, phone code, electricity voltage, current socket and plug types, and emergency numbers.
  7. SPECIAL LINKS lists the websites of the selected OIC member country’s national institutions.

The profile of each member country is downloadable as an XML based spreadsheet file (which can be accessed after clicking on the Export Report button available in the bottom-right corner on the member country page). The contents of the profile page can be customised based on the preferences of the user by selecting the section or indicators. By default, all sections are chosen as indicated with “✓” sign to be shown in the XML based spreadsheet file.