OIC Top/Bottom Finder (OIC-TBF) extracts the full list of indicators from the OIC Statistics (OICStat) Database in which an OIC country is positioned at the Top or Bottom position. After choosing “Country” under Step 1 and “Top” or “Bottom” under Step 2, please choose from the drop-down menu the desired positions ranging between 1 and 20. Clicking on the “Display the Ranking Results” button will activate the query through the OICStat Database and the results are displayed within a timeframe of around one minute.
Please select a country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Benin Brunei Burkina Faso Cameroon Chad Comoros Cote d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Gabon Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Indonesia Iran Iraq Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Libya Malaysia Maldives Mali Mauritania Morocco Mozambique Niger Nigeria Oman Pakistan Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia Sudan Suriname Syria Tajikistan Togo Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Uganda United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan World Yemen
Top Bottom 1 3 5 10 15 20