Agricultural activities play an important role in OIC economies as in many other developing countries in terms of employment, production and therefore development. As a group, member countries are well-endowed with potential agricultural resources such as water, arable land, and human resources and account for a significant share of global agricultural production. Nevertheless, agriculture sector is underperforming in many OIC countries due to various constraints and challenges.
The OIC-2025 Plan of Action strongly emphasizes the development of agriculture sector to attain food security and enhance growth and prosperity across the Islamic world. The biennial Ministerial Conference on Food Security and Agriculture Development (MCFSAD) is the high level gathering of policy makers and other relevant stakeholders to discuss and debate the major developments and design joint policy action in this domain. So far, OIC countries held seven sessions of the MCFSAD.
SESRIC is regularly preparing the report on Agriculture and Food Security in OIC Member Countries as a technical background document of the MCFSAD to support the evidence-based policy dialogue and discussion among the member countries. The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the state of agriculture and food security in OIC countries by looking into the latest comparable data and trends on key indicators. It explores major issues such as agriculture production and productivity, trade in agriculture commodities, agricultural population and land use in agriculture, and impacts of food price volatility. The report also includes a set of policy recommendations and proposals for enhancing OIC cooperation in this domain.