In partnership with Libya Program for Reintegration and Development (LPRD), SESRIC has completed a research study on “Reforming Public Administration in Libya”, which presents concrete policy options on reforming and strengthening the public administration sector of Libya. The study proposes a comprehensive framework on how the Libyan public institutions can be reorganized to produce robust public services and better institutional performance. The study is expected to contribute to the Libyan state-building process and help the Government of Libya to ensure and sustain stability and peace in the country by employing an inclusive decision-making process and taking into consideration the views of all Libyan people regardless of their ethnicity, gender and political affiliations.
As part of the research project on reforming public administration in Libya, SESRIC has completed a sectoral case study on “Reforming Health Sector in Libya”, which provides a comprehensive review of existing challenges and offers a number of reform options on reforming health sector. The study proposes a set of reform proposals and priorities needed in Libya’s health sector to design a framework that is inclusive of Libya’s particular needs while also benefitting from international experiences and best practices. The study also develops a roadmap for Libyan officials so that pragmatic steps can be taken to improve the success of the reform initiatives, given the context and dynamics of the health sector in Libya.
The report on the "Security Sector Reform in Libya" has been commissioned by SESRIC to the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) within the framework of the BINA Program. The BINA Program is an International Development Program designed for Libya to help it accelerate state rebuilding by improving the performance and efficiency of the national institutions and civil society organizations, as well as to foster private sector development. The Program is a joint initiative of SESRIC, the Libyan Program for Reintegration and Development (LPRD) and the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB). SESRIC assumes the role of executing organ of the Program. The Copyright of this report solely belongs to SESRIC.
The Palestinian International Cooperation Agency (PICA), with the support of SESRIC, published a guidebook titled “Yes, Palestine Can” in order to demonstrate the Palestinian expertise in specific domains within the framework of south-south and triangular cooperation. SESRIC undertook the translation, page design, layout and printing of the guidebook. “Yes, Palestine Can” guidebook aims at giving insight into the role of the PICA in transferring the “resilience experience” through development and humanitarian assistance by dispatching competent Palestinian human resources from inside the State of Palestine and the diaspora to contribute in the implementation of UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the OIC-2025 Programme of Action.