SESRIC prepares reports in various fields of interest to the member countries upon requests by the OIC General Secretariat, relevant OIC meetings and bodies as well as based on independent evaluation of the research department.
Socio-Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic in OIC Countries: Pathways for Sustainable and Resilient Recovery
Halal Industry in OIC Member Countries: Challenges and Prospects
Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic in OIC Member Countries: Prospects and Challenges
Urban Development in OIC Countries
Achieving Peace and Security in a World of Turmoil: An Arduous Challenge for the OIC
Financing for Development Alternative Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities of Financing Development
Global Muslim Diaspora: Country Reports
Humanitarian Crises Report in OIC Countries
Managing Natural Disasters in Afghanistan
Somalia: Overview of Socio-Economic Development
Towards Understanding Radicalism & Violent Extremism in OIC Countries
Humanitarian Needs of Syrian Refugees: Challenges of the Neighbouring Countries
Moving From MDGs to SDGs: Prospects and Challenges for OIC Member Countries
SESRIC Reports on the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009