The rise of radical and violent extremist groups and the atrocities they have committed in many parts of the globe in general and OIC countries in particular coupled with the negative and sometimes devastating human, social and economic consequences of their acts has pushed the subject of radicalism and violent extremism to the very top of the agenda of the OIC countries and the international society alike.
As the main socio-economic research arm of the OIC, SESRIC has also been quick to respond. Following the meeting of the OIC institutions on “Combating Terrorism, Violent Extremism and Radicalization”, which was held at the OIC General Secretariat in August 2015, SESRIC has sprung to action and formed a cross functional team at the Centre to work on the project of combating terrorism and violent extremism. One of the outputs of this team has been this report “Towards Understanding Radicalism & Violent Extremism in OIC Countries”.
SESRIC prepared this report based on the premises that; it has become crystal clear that hard security measure alone will not suffice to confront radicalism and violent extremism. The truth is that we cannot counter and defeat what we don’t understand. This fact highlights the need for a thorough understanding of the issues revolving around radicalism and violent extremism. Such understanding is crucial if the efforts to defeat radicalism and violent extremism are to succeed.
To achieve a better understanding of the issues surrounding radicalism and violent extremism in OIC countries, this report starts with identifying the main concepts trends and narrative often encountered in this domain before moving on to analysing the root causes of radicalism in OIC countries. This is followed with a discussion on the economic and social impacts of radicalism and violent extremism. The report then moves on to discuss the models and approaches utilized in the deradicalisation sphere before concluding with a discussion on the main challenges facing OIC countries in dealing with radicalism and violent extremism and the way forward.
Summary Paper: The Challenge of Radicalism & Violent Extremism in OIC Countries
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