Transportation is a leading sector in both national and regional development and an indispensable element in economic activity. It contributes to socio-economic development through creating investment opportunities and jobs, boosting trade and improving living standards. The provision of adequate and efficient transportation services is an essential requirement not only for increased access to the local and international markets but also for improving healthcare, education and tourism in a country. Establishing modern and efficient multi-modal transportation infrastructures and services, including land transportation, water transportation and air transportation, is a crucial factor for enhancing and strengthening regional economic cooperation and integration as well as eliminating barriers that reduce the connectivity among the member countries.
Against this background, SESRIC developed Transportation Capacity Building Programme (Transport-CaB) in 2021 with the aim of supporting and contributing to the efforts of the OIC member countries towards enhancing the institutional and human capacities of their national institutions in the field of transportation. The programme will also facilitate the transferring, sharing and exchanging of knowledge, experiences and best practices among the member countries in this important domain through various modalities such as training courses, training workshops and technical study visits.