The OIC Public Employment Services Network (OIC-PESNET) is an OIC cooperation platform, which brings together representatives of Public Employment Institutions in the OIC Member States with a view to enhancing the technical cooperation among them through facilitating sharing and exchanging of experiences and best practices in this important domain and, thus, contributing to their efforts towards enhancing employability and reducing unemployment in their countries.

The OIC-PESNET was established in accordance with the “Resolution on the Cooperation on Labour, Employment and Social Protection among the OIC Member States” adopted by the 2nd Islamic Conference of Labour Ministers held in Baku, Azerbaijan in April 2013. The Conference called upon the establishment of a forum among public employment authorities of OIC Member States to promote collaboration on the transfer of knowledge and experience, as well as to generate joint action towards enhanced employment services and overcoming common challenges in the field of employment.

SESRIC assumes the role of the Secretariat of the OIC-PESNET and carries out a specific capacity building programme, namely; Public Employment Services Capacity Building Programme (PES-CaB), to support the efforts of the OIC Member States in developing the capacities of the institutional and human resources in the field of public employment services.


The OIC-PESNET aims at establishing an intra-OIC network for systematic sharing of information and experience among public employment authorities of the OIC Member States with a view to enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the public employment services and improving the accessibility to these services in the OIC Member States.


  1. Initiating and implementing various collaboration and cooperation modalities among the public employment authorities in the OIC Member States with a view to strengthening and modernizing their public employment services through facilitating the share and exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices among the members of the Network.
  2. Enhancing the human and institutional capacities of the public employment services institutions in the OIC Member States through facilitating the exchange of experts and organizing study visits and training workshops.

Network Documents:

OIC Public Employment Services Network (OIC PESNET) Events

Venue Date Information
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 28 August 2024 Webinar on ’Circular Economy for Sustainable Impact Entrepreneurship’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 13-14 March 2024 Training Workshop on ‘Effective Labour Market Information Systems’
Marrakech Morocco 29 February - 01 March 2024 4th Meeting of the OIC Public Employment Services Network (OIC-PESNET)
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 26-27 April 2023 Training Webinars on ‘Engaging Employers in Apprenticeship Opportunities and Other Types of Work Based Learning’ and ‘New Approaches in Job and Vocational Counselling Services’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 17 November 2022 The Annual Meeting of the National Focal Points (NFPs) of the OIC Public Employment Services Network (OIC-PESNET)
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 01-03 November 2022 Training Workshop on ‘Knowledge-Economy, Promotion of Entrepreneurship Activities and Reducing Informal Employment’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 19-20 October 2022 Training Course on ‘Fostering Information Technology (IT) Solutions to Improve the Effectiveness of Public Employment Services (PES) in the OIC Member Countries’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 14-15 September 2022 Workshop on ‘The Role of Digital Solutions for Effective Delivery of Public Employment Services in the OIC Countries’
Virtual, Ankara Türkiye 03 August 2022 Training Webinar on ‘Development of Entrepreneurial Skills of Disabled People’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 21-23 June 2022 Training Course on ‘Measuring the Impacts of Labour Market Information on Employment Services’
Virtual, Ankara Türkiye 24-26 May 2022 Training Course on ‘Management of Migrant Labour Force’
Virtual, Ankara Türkiye 28-29 March 2022 Training Course on ‘Labour Market Research Methodologies’
Virtual, Baku Azerbaijan 22-23 November 2021 Training Course on ‘Skills Training Services’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 28-30 September 2021 Training Workshop on ‘Developing a Successful Employment and Skills Strategy’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 02-03 June 2021 The 3rd Meeting of the OIC Public Employment Services Network (OIC-PESNET)
Ankara Türkiye 27-28 September 2016 Second Meeting of the OIC Public Employment Services Network
Ankara Türkiye 29-30 April 2014 First Meeting on Public Employment Services in OIC Member Countries