Webinar on ‘AI’s Impact on Labour Market Matching: Insights and Strategies’
Date: 12 February 2025
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

Within the framework of the OIC Public Employment Service Network (OIC-PESNET), SESRIC will organize a webinar on “AI’s Impact on Labour Market Matching: Insights and Strategies” on 12 February 2025. This webinar will be provided by competent experts from, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar and Türkiye, and the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

The aim of this webinar is to examine the economic implications for employers, job seekers, and policymakers, as well as to address ethical concerns such as bias, privacy, and fairness, by discussing a variety of AI applications that enhance job matching and recruitment processes. It will discuss the policy implications and regulatory considerations, share successful case studies and best practices from organisations that are using AI in recruiting, and identify the necessary skills and training for effectively navigating an AI-enhanced labour market. Furthermore, the webinar will investigate the influence of emerging technologies and future trends in AI on employment.

For more details about OIC-PESNET and its activities, please visit: https://www.sesric.org/network-pesnet.php