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The Organization of Islamic Cooperation Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) announces awards intended to encourage and support scientific contributions in basic sciences. COMSTECH will offer awards in the fields of Mathematics and Physics during the forthcoming Session of COMSTECH General Assembly. Each award consists of a certificate, shield of honour, and cash prize of US$ 8000. for more details
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) announces awards intended to encourage and support scientific contributions in basic sciences. COMSTECH will offer awards in the fields of Mathematics and Physics during the forthcoming Session of COMSTECH General Assembly. Each award consists of a certificate, shield of honour, and cash prize of US$ 8000.
COMSTECH International Workshop on Science Communication and Community Engagement for more details
COMSTECH International Workshop on Science Communication and Community Engagement
With the aim of capacity building and nurturing the young generation for development of science, technology, and innovation in line with the values and needs of the Islamic society, Mustafa(pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF) runs YSFP to support talented youth with the cooperation of prestigious scientific institutes and reputable R&D centers. The program provides short-term fellowships to young scholars, technologists, and faculty members under 45 years of age. Applicants must hold at least master’s degree. Duration of fellowships in this program is 6-12 months, which can be more or less depending on the conditions and requirements, with the agreement of the host. for more details
With the aim of capacity building and nurturing the young generation for development of science, technology, and innovation in line with the values and needs of the Islamic society, Mustafa(pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF) runs YSFP to support talented youth with the cooperation of prestigious scientific institutes and reputable R&D centers. The program provides short-term fellowships to young scholars, technologists, and faculty members under 45 years of age. Applicants must hold at least master’s degree. Duration of fellowships in this program is 6-12 months, which can be more or less depending on the conditions and requirements, with the agreement of the host.
The 11th Session of the Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers (ICTM), which was held on 27-29 June 2022 in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, declared the city of Şanlıurfa (Republic of Türkiye) as the “OIC City of Tourism” for 2023 and Khiva (Republic of Uzbekistan) as the “OIC City of Tourism” for 2024. for more details
The 11th Session of the Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers (ICTM), which was held on 27-29 June 2022 in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, declared the city of Şanlıurfa (Republic of Türkiye) as the “OIC City of Tourism” for 2023 and Khiva (Republic of Uzbekistan) as the “OIC City of Tourism” for 2024.
The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) officially announced the call for nomination for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management (KSAAEM), as of today, Monday (2 August 2021). The Organization oversees the General Secretariat for the Award, under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia, represented by the National Center for Environmental Compliance. for more details
The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) officially announced the call for nomination for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management (KSAAEM), as of today, Monday (2 August 2021). The Organization oversees the General Secretariat for the Award, under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia, represented by the National Center for Environmental Compliance.
The Secretariat of the Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) Task Force and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group are jointly organising a series of TOSSD capacity building webinars on 10, 16 and 17 February 2022 (in English, with interpretation in French and Arabic) with support from the EU. The webinars are particularly targeting provider and recipient countries of the OIC to inform them more about the benefits of the TOSSD, its main features, reporting requirements and measurement standards in particular in the context of South-South Co-operation and Islamic finance. for more details
The Secretariat of the Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) Task Force and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group are jointly organising a series of TOSSD capacity building webinars on 10, 16 and 17 February 2022 (in English, with interpretation in French and Arabic) with support from the EU. The webinars are particularly targeting provider and recipient countries of the OIC to inform them more about the benefits of the TOSSD, its main features, reporting requirements and measurement standards in particular in the context of South-South Co-operation and Islamic finance.