Latest Indicator Data of Category: GENDER AND FAMILY Contraceptive Prevalence, Any Method, % of Married Women Ages 15-49: 27.70 Percent (2014) Timeplot Contraceptive Prevalence, Any Modern Method, % of Married Women Ages 15-49: 16.30 Percent (2014) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Pre-Primary : 0.97 Ratio (2006) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Primary : 0.94 Ratio (2006) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Secondary : 1.16 Ratio (2006) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Tertiary : 1.11 Ratio (2003) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Labour Force Gender Structure: 0.56 Ratio (2023) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15+: 0.57 Ratio (2023) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15-64: 0.58 Ratio (2022) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Life Expectancy at Birth: 1.09 Ratio (2023) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Literacy Rate, Adult: 0.73 Ratio (1994) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Net Enrolment Rate Lower Secondary : 0.82 Ratio (1983) Timeplot Gender Parity Index, Net Enrolment Ratio, Primary : 0.97 Ratio (1978) Timeplot Mean Age at First Marriage, Female: 29.20 Years (1995) Timeplot Mean Age at First Marriage, Male: 32.00 Years (1995) Timeplot Women of Reproductive Age who are Married or in a Union, % of Women Ages 15-49: 62.96 Percent (2020) Timeplot