Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) was represented in the workshop on “Workshop on Job and Vocational Counselling Services” in Ankara, Turkey on 20-21 June 2013 by Mr. Mansur Boydaş, Research Assistant. The workshop was jointly organised by Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) and Turkish Employment Organization (İŞKUR) and attended by representatives from stakeholders in the area: policy-makers, public institutions, private organizations, county municipalities, non-government organizations, and regional clusters and networks; representatives from ministries, particularly those with responsibility in related fields; training, advisory, counselling, skill-development, and employment development experts from employment agencies in European Countries namely, Germany, Denmark, Ireland and Bulgaria.
The first day of the workshop witnessed the experiences of European Countries in the fields of; employment agency, vocational counselling, reform of social assistance and transition of disadvantaged jobseekers. The second day of the workshop was held on working groups which strived to come up with portfolio notes on the following criteria;
The participants divided into four groups on the relationship between social assistance and employment practices of the sample countries examined in the two-day workshop. The results of the workshop aimed to provide guidance in terms of applications in Turkey.