The Sixth Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research took place during 20-21 November 2012 in Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan. The two-day Conference brought together the ministers of higher education and scientific research of the OIC Member States to discuss various important issues pertaining to higher education and scientific research in the member countries and the report of ISESCO Director General on ISESCO's Efforts in the Field of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology between the Fifth and Sixth Sessions of the Conference.
The Conference also examined the draft proposal on the establishment of “Pan-Islamic Research and Education Network (PIREN)” and a report of the FUIW Secretary General on the Implementation of the FUIW Activities between the Fifth and Sixth Sessions of the Conference. It also studied a report on “Key Performance Indicators for Universities in Islamic Countries” and the progress report on the remarkable scientific project “Atlas of Islamic World Innovation”.
The heads of delegation of the OIC Member States made addresses and presented reports on their countries’ national programmes in higher education, scientific research and technology. A roundtable was also held on the sidelines of the Conference which will focus on “The Role of Higher Education in the Development of Science and Technology for a Prosperous Future”.
During the conference, SESRIC presented its new report on Education and Scientific Development in OIC Member Countries 2012/2013 and briefed the participants on the recent developments in education and science in the member countries. SESRIC also briefed the participants on the recent developments in the project of Atlas of Islamic World Innovation.
At the closing session, the conference adopted the Khartoum Declaration on the Role of Higher Education in Development of Science and Technology for Prosperous Future.
The Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research held its first session in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in October 2000; its second session in Tripoli, Libya, in September 2003; its third session in Kuwait, State of Kuwait, in November 2006; its fourth session in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, in October 2008; and its fifth session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in October 2010.
During the conference, SESRIC also signed a memorandum of cooperation with Disaster Management and Refugees Studies Institute (DIMARSI) at International University of Africa in order to develop cooperation and partnership between the two parties in the areas of common interest, to facilitate the attainment of the goals of both institutions with view to enhancing research, information exchange, capacity building and participation in academic activities and events and facilitate post-graduate studies and training on humanitarian issues and disaster risk reduction activities.
For more information about the conference and the documents, visit ISESCO website.