Technical Meeting with the Agency for Development of Public Service of Uzbekistan
Date: 03 February 2025
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

SESRIC held a technical meeting with the Agency for Development of Public Service of Uzbekistan (ARGOS), with the facilitation of the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the OIC, to explore potential areas of cooperation between the two institutions.

SESRIC provided comprehensive information about the Centre’s main mandates including its capacity building programmes, training modalities and various technical cooperation mechanisms with particular emphasis on the domains that fall under the Agency’s areas of focus.

ARGOS representatives provided an overview of the Agency’s mandate, emphasizing its efforts in modernizing civil service, open recruitment processes, talent management, and the development of a national personnel reserve in Uzbekistan. They highlighted specific initiatives and good practices that could be shared with other member countries with the facilitation of SESRIC, through its relevant capacity building activities. Both teams discussed potential areas of collaboration aimed at strengthening the ties between the two institutions by following South-South Cooperation mechanisms.

The Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the authorized government body overseeing human resources development and personnel management within public institutions. Reporting directly to the President, it implements a unified state policy in this domain. Its functions, rights, and responsibilities are outlined in its governing regulations. Operating under national laws and presidential directives, the Agency maintains a central office and regional branches across Uzbekistan.