SESRIC Participated in the Experience Sharing Session of the Islamic Economy Youth Forum 2024
Date: 24 October 2024
Venue: Virtual, Jakarta - Indonesia

SESRIC participated in the Experience Sharing Session with a focus on Multilateral Islamic Economy Institutions of the Islamic Economy Youth Forum 2024 (IEYF 2024), organised by OIC Youth Indonesia together with Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) and the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), on 24 October 2024 through a video conferencing platform. Dr. Atilla KARAMAN, Director, represented the Centre thereat.

During the Experience Sharing Session of the IEYF 2024, a presentation was delivered on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and SESRIC. The part of the presentation dedicated to the OIC covered the history of the OIC, its transformation since 1969, member countries, governance structure, its organs, resources and potentials of the member countries, challenges facing the OIC, and major statistics from the OIC member countries group. In the part of the presentation concerning SESRIC, mandate of the Centre and activities under statistics and information, economic and social research, and training and technical cooperation were covered. The presentation highlighted that SESRIC, as one of the oldest subsidiary organs of the OIC, made a significant impact at the OIC level with 81 activities under its statistical and socio-economic capacity building programmes with the participation of over 4,500 participants from all OIC member countries, and 16 reports submitted to the relevant OIC fora. The presentation was then followed by a Q&A session.

Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) is part of the yearly agenda of the Islamic economy and finance sector in Indonesia that facilitates a diverse range of initiatives and activities to support the development of the Islamic economy and finance at both the domestic and international level. As part of 11th ISEF in 2024, Islamic Economy Youth Forum 2024 (IEYF 2024) consists of two sub-events, the Experience Sharing Session (14 October – 26 October), a webinar style online event where the participants have the opportunity to hear the experiences and perspectives from speakers from global Islamic economy stakeholders, and the Youth Forum (28 October - 1 November), an online forum in English that closely follows MOIC rules where students aged 16-30 from all around the world, selected through an essay selection process, will have the opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts regarding the future of the Islamic economy.