Second Doha Data Forum
Date: 22-23 October 2024
Venue: Doha - Qatar

The second edition of the Doha Data Forum was organised with the theme of “Statistics and Data for Innovation in Sustainable Development” on 22-23 October 2024 in Doha, Qatar. The Forum elaborated on the pivotal role that statistics, data analytics, AI, and machine learning play in addressing global sustainability challenges.

The Forum was organised by the National Planning Council (NPC) of Qatar in collaboration with relevant line ministers, government bodies as well as SESRIC, UN agencies, the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), SDG Today Program, Qatar Charity, Hamad Ben Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), UK Statistics Authority, Finland Statistics, and the private sector.

As one of the partners of the Forum, SESRIC co-organised a Session on “Advancement in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Official Statistics” on 22 October 2024. The session featured speakers from SESRIC, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) of the United Kingdom, Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), and Microsoft. The session explored the latest innovations at the intersection of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and official statistics in this enlightening session. From automating data collection and processing to enhancing predictive modelling and leveraging big data sources, it showcased how AI technologies are revolutionizing the field of official statistics.

Aligned with the Strategic Vision of the OIC Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom) for 2030, under the Strategic Area 3: Statistical Modernisation and Innovation, 12th Session of the OIC-StatCom, held on 3-4 October 2023, adopted a resolution item inviting SESRIC, as the Secretariat of the OIC-StatCom, to explore the implementation of activities or projects concerning the modernisation of the NSOs through digitalisation and other themes related to emerging issues in official statistics, and encouraged SESRIC to circulate an inclination survey to identify the themes of common interest in this regard. In lign with this resolution item, SESRIC has taken proactive steps to support the modernisation of NSOs through digitalisation and circulated the survey among the NSOs of the OIC countries.

During the session, Mr. Onur ÇAĞLAR, Director of Statistics and Information Department at SESRIC, presented the results of the inclination survey, which summarizes common interest themes and provides insights into the capacities and needs of OIC countries in areas such as digitalization, cybersecurity, machine learning, and AI. These findings help guide future efforts in modernizing NSOs across OIC member countries.

The forum served as a platform for stakeholders to not only exchange knowledge and drive action towards leveraging data for sustainable development. Through interactive workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions, participants were encouraged to forge partnerships, identify common challenges, and co-create solutions that harness the transformative potential of data.
