SESRIC Participates in the Collaborative Surveillance Working Group Meeting for the Pan-European Network for Disease Control (NDC)
Date: 26-27 September 2024
Venue: Hybrid – Berlin - Germany -

SESRIC participated in the Collaborative Surveillance Working Group (WG) meeting for the Pan-European Network for Disease Control (NDC), which was organised in a hybrid format by the NDC Secretariat of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe on 26-27 September 2024.

The main objective of the meeting was to validate the operational framework and outline the next steps for the collaborative surveillance WG. During the first day, the WG reviewed the operational framework for collaborative surveillance and agreed on the path forward for finalisation. WHO headquarters and WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) delivered presentations, outlining the concept of collaborative surveillance and the role of the Pan-European Network. Member countries and institutions shared their experiences with collaborative surveillance initiatives. In addition, SESRIC contributed by providing insights into its activities in the health domain.

The second day of the meeting focused on the development of an action plan for collaborative surveillance, emphasising the integration of mapping activities between the WG and the WHO. The members also reviewed the work plan and discussed expectations for creating a comprehensive business plan for collaborative surveillance.

The meeting concluded with strategic planning for the WG's initiatives over the coming months.