Workshop on ’Energy Statistics, Balances and Accounts For Informed Energy and Climate Policies’
Date: 10-12 December 2024
Venue: SESRIC Headquarters, Ankara - Türkiye

SESRIC, in collaboration with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS), organized a workshop titled “Energy Statistics, Balances, and Accounts for Informed Energy and Climate Policies”. The event was held from 10-12 December 2024 at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Türkiye, with the participation of 38 experts from National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and Energy Ministries of 18 OIC Member Countries.

The workshop commenced with opening remarks by H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Director General of SESRIC; Dr. Leonardo Rocha SOUZA, Chief of Section of Energy Statistics at UNSD; Dr. Wafa ABOUL HOSN, Chief of Economic Statistics at UN ESCWA; Mr. Hayder JANABI, IT Coordinator in AITRS, and Ms. Taylor MORRISON, Energy Data Manager at IEA.

In her address, H.E. SELÇUK emphasized the importance of reliable energy data as a cornerstone for informed policymaking and strategic planning, particularly in addressing climate challenges and advancing sustainable development. She also highlighted SESRIC’s role in enhancing the capacities of OIC Member Countries in the field of energy statistics and renewable energy.

The workshop aimed to strengthen the capacities of participants in compiling energy statistics, developing comprehensive energy balances, and establishing System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) energy accounts. Through interactive sessions, hands-on exercises, and expert-led presentations, the workshop emphasized the practical application of energy data to inform policymaking, enhance national energy statistical systems, and support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants gained insights into international methodologies, coordination mechanisms, and the integration of energy data for climate-resilient and sustainable development policies.

As part of the workshop, a side event titled “The Role of National Statistical Offices in Supporting Data-Driven Energy Transitions” was held on 10 December 2024. Moderated by Mr. Onur ÇAĞLAR, Director of Statistics and Information Department at SESRIC, the panel featured distinguished experts, including:

  • Dr. Leonardo Rocha SOUZA, Chief of Section, Energy Statistics, UNSD
  • Dr. Wafa ABOUL HOSN, Chief of Economic Statistics, UN-ESCWA
  • Mr. Alexandre BIZEUL, Statistics Team Lead, IEA
  • Mr. Mustafa YARDIMCI, Head of Energy Statistics Group, Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT)

For more details on the panel discussion, please click here

The workshop concluded successfully, with participants expressing their appreciation to the organizers and receiving their certificates in recognition of their active participation and contributions.




Session 3: International methodology in energy statistics

Session 4: Energy balances

Session 6: SEEA-Energy accounts

Session 8: Going from energy balances to accounts

In addition, the answers to the exercises and a list of participants can be found here.
