First Meeting of Steering Committee on Youth and Sports
Date: 22 July 2024
Venue: Virtual- Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

SESRIC participated in the First Meeting of the Steering Committee on Youth and Sports of the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers (ICYSM), organized virtually by the Ministry of Sports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chair of the 5th Session of the ICYSM.

The meeting aimed to bring together the steering committee members from OIC countries and relevant OIC institutions to review their efforts in implementation of the resolutions of the fifth session of the ICYSM and the OIC Youth Strategy. Representatives from OIC countries and relevant OIC organs and institutions attended the meeting.

H.E. Abdulaziz ALMASAED, the Deputy Minister of Sports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the Chair of the Fifth Session of the ICYSM, chaired the meeting. The meeting commenced with opening remarks from Amb. Tariq Ali BAKHEET, Assistant Secretary General of the OIC for Humanitarian, Cultural and Social Affairs, the representative from the Republic of Azerbaijan, [the Chair of the Fourth Session of the ICYSM, and the representative from the State of Libya, Chair of the next (Sixth) Session of the ICYSM.

During the meeting, the OIC General Secretariat, Ministry of Sports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the country group representatives for the Asian, African, Arab Groups, the State of Palestine, and OIC institutions provided their efforts in the field of youth capacity building and sports development. SESRIC briefed the committee members about the implemented and planned activities of SESRIC in the field of youth.

The meeting concluded with the reaffirmation of Libya’s readiness to host the next Ministerial Session in December 2024.