SESRIC and Türkiye Halal Accreditation Agency (HAK) Formalised Collaboration Through MoU Signing
Date: 11 July 2024
Venue: SESRIC Headquarters Ankara - Türkiye

SESRIC and the Halal Accreditation Agency of the Republic of Türkiye (HAK) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalise their ties and collaboration in knowledge exchange, competencies enhancement, and best practices within the Halal domain and relevant areas. The MoU aims to foster collaborative efforts in developing and implementing initiatives to support halal quality infrastructure in the OIC countries. The signing ceremony took place at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Türkiye.

The MoU was signed by H.E. Mrs. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Director General of SESRIC, and Mr. Zafer SOYLU, Chairman of the Board of Directors of HAK Türkiye, to establish a stronger partnership through joint collaboration between the two institutions.

During the ceremony, H.E. Mrs. SELÇUK emphasized the importance of this partnership, stating that the MoU will conveniently facilitate the pooling of expertise and resources effectively, striving towards mutual objectives and goals of both institutions.

The signed MoU establishes a strong framework for collaboration between SESRIC and HAK Türkiye, aiming to enhance the technical expertise and knowledge of both institutions. It also targets the development of a structured approach for undertaking joint projects that will contribute to the overall socio-economic development of the OIC countries.
