Training Course on ‘Enhancing Tourism Competitiveness through Sustainable HRM Practices in OIC African Member States’
Date: 23-25 July 2024
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

SESRIC will organise an online Training Course on “Enhancing Tourism Competitiveness through Sustainable HRM Practices in OIC African Member States” on 23-25 July 2024, within the framework of its Project on “Strengthening the Capacities of African Tourism Boards through Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices”. This project has been successfully listed for funding by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) under the 11th Call for Project Proposals.

The main aim of the training course is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement sustainable Human Resources Management (HRM) practices within their tourism boards. The course will cover a range of topics, including the principles of sustainable HRM, the role of HRM in tourism, and the specific challenges faced by African Tourism Boards as well as the prospects and opportunities that lies ahead. Furthermore, participants will learn about the importance of sustainable HRM in achieving a resilient, competitive, and sustainable tourism sector.

The COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) introduced the COMCEC Project Funding (CPF) in 2013, a financing mechanism that funds projects submitted by the OIC member countries and relevant OIC Institutions. The funding is provided in the form of a grant through the Development and Investment Bank of the Republic of Türkiye, a main body in the CPF scheme. Since the initiation of CPF, SESRIC has implemented 13 projects so far under various cooperation areas and sectoral themes determined by the CCO.

For the 11th Call for Project Proposals of CPF, the CCO has completed the evaluation process and announced the Final List of successful projects. Three SESRIC projects were found eligible to be funded in the 2024 implementation period. These projects, designed in collaboration with relevant national institutions in member countries, aim to strengthen human resources and institutional capacities in agriculture, poverty alleviation, and tourism cooperation areas.

For more details about SESRIC projects funded by the COMCEC, please visit: