Webinar on 'Developing Effective Digital Marketing Tourism Strategies in the OIC Member Countries'
Date: 03 July 2024
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

Within the framework of ITSTourism Capacity Building Programme (Tourism-CaB), SESRIC, in collaboration with the Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA), will organise a Webinar on “Developing Effective Digital Marketing Tourism Strategies in the OIC Member Countries”, on 3 July 2024.

The main objective of the webinar is to explore the development of impactful digital marketing strategies tailored to tourism within the OIC countries. Through these sessions, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how digital tools and platforms can be effectively utilised to promote tourism offerings in diverse contexts. Additionally, the webinar will explore the role of tourism trends and digitalisation in enhancing the visibility and accessibility of tourism products and services within the OIC countries.

Key topics to be covered in the webinar:

  • Overview of GoTürkiye Website Management;
  • Overview of GoTürkiye Social Media Platforms;
  • Influencer Marketing and Digital Campaigns of GoTürkiye; and
  • International Tourism Trends and Development of SMART Tourism in OIC Countries

For more information about SESRIC’s Tourism Capacity Building Programme (Tourism-CaB), please visit: https://www.sesric.org/cbp-oic-tourism.php.
