SESRIC Director General Visits Newly Elected President of Turkish Green Crescent Society
Date: 04 June 2024
Venue: Istanbul - Türkiye

H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Dr. Mehmet DİNÇ, the recently elected President of the Turkish Green Crescent Society. H.E. SELÇUK extended her heartfelt congratulations to Dr. DİNÇ on his new role.

During the visit, H.E. SELÇUK conveyed SESRIC’s willingness to enhance the existing partnership between the two entities. She emphasized the importance of continuing and expanding collaborative efforts on areas of mutual interest.

One of the major collaboration areas between SESRIC and the Turkish Green Crescent Society is tobacco control. Data reveals a substantial decline in tobacco use among individuals aged 15 and above within OIC countries, dropping from 30% in 2000 to 22% in 2020. This positive trend is attributed to sustained initiatives under the Tobacco Free OIC Capacity Building Programme (TF-CaB), a joint venture by SESRIC and the Turkish Green Crescent Society.

To date, the two organizations have launched 8 initiatives aimed at combating the tobacco use in OIC countries. These initiatives are pivotal in supporting national health agendas and promoting a tobacco-free lifestyle in the OIC Member Countries. SESRIC also plays a crucial role in the integration of Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS) into national surveys of selected OIC Member Countries, providing vital data for policy-making and program development.

In addition to tobacco control, the meeting between H.E. SELÇUK and Dr. DİNÇ also focused on the digital addiction, particularly among the youth. Recognizing the growing concern of digital dependency in today’s technology-driven world, both sides discussed potential joint projects aimed at raising awareness and mitigating the risks associated with digital addiction.

The visit by H.E. SELÇUK is a renewed commitment to expand the cooperation areas between SESRIC and the Turkish Green Crescent Society in addressing public health challenges.