SESRIC Participates in High-Level Regional Seminar on Cancer Awareness and Advocacy in OIC African Member States
Date: 15-16 May 2024
Venue: Abuja - Nigeria

The “High-Level Regional Seminar on Promoting Cancer Awareness and Advocacy Programmes in OIC African Member States” was held in Abuja, Nigeria on 15-16 May 2024 under the auspices of H.E. Senator Oluremi TINUBU, First Lady of Nigeria, and was organised by the @OIC_OCI General Secretariat in collaboration with relevant OIC institutions and international organizations to address the critical challenges of cancer burden in the OIC Countries, particularly in Africa. The seminar aimed to facilitate the sharing of regional best practices and promote coordination mechanisms in cancer registry, control planning, and implementation.

The event brought together distinguished first ladies, country representatives, health experts, and advocates from across OIC African Member Countries.

Representatives from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, and the UAE, as well as international organizations and stakeholders including IsDB, ISF, SESRIC, IAEA, and WHO, participated in the seminar.

H.E. Emine ERDOĞAN, First Lady of the Republic of Türkiye and initiator of the First Ladies Against Cancer (FLAC) in 2016, delivered a speech as the Special Guest of the High-Level Regional Seminar. In her insightful speech, H.E. ERDOĞAN emphasized that the seminars held in 2018 in Burkina Faso and now in Nigeria demonstrate the positive results of efforts initiated in 2016, starting with the inaugural session she organized and the subsequent announcement of the “Istanbul Declaration”. She also provided insights into Türkiye’s effective measures in fighting cancer, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, and highlighted Türkiye’s initiative to replace the chemical order, which is responsible for numerous diseases, with the natural one through the Zero Waste and Our Heritage Local Seed projects.

The Special Session of First Ladies Against Cancer (FLAC) was held during the 13th Islamic Summit in Istanbul in April 2016 under auspices of H.E. Emine ERDOĞAN. That session serves as a forum for First Ladies across the OIC countries. Together, they reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to promoting cancer awareness and advocacy, as encapsulated in the historic “Istanbul Declaration”. Building upon this foundation, subsequent events like the High-Level Regional Seminar in Ouagadougou in 2018 further solidified the collective determination to prioritize cancer prevention and control on both national and international agendas.

During the Opening Session, H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK delivered an enlightening speech, underscoring the alarming cancer statistics and its devastating impacts, particularly in OIC countries, where approximately 1.2 million lives are claimed by the disease annually. Reaffirming SESRIC’s mission to promote the well-being and prosperity of OIC countries by fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and capacity building, H.E. SELÇUK called for intensified efforts to raise awareness, strengthen healthcare systems, and advocate for policies that prioritize cancer prevention and control.

Furthermore, in the course of the two-day seminar, Dr. Mehtap İpek DEDEOĞLU, Researcher at SESRIC, presented “The Burden of Cancer in OIC Member States.” The presentation provided an overview of the prevalence and impact of cancer and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which remain a leading cause of death globally. She mentioned that the cancer burden is projected to increase by about 77% by 2050, further straining national health systems. Dr. DEDEOĞLU stressed the need for more investments in cancer treatment, noting that approximately 80% of Africa’s 1.2 billion population lack access to radiotherapy and related cancer services. The presentation also highlighted SESRIC’s efforts in combating cancer and other NCDs, showcasing various initiatives, training activities, and projects aimed at strengthening health systems and response mechanisms, and promoting public health, such as the Tobacco-Free OIC Capacity Building Programme.

The High-Level Regional Seminar in Abuja concluded with a renewed commitment from all participants to intensify efforts in cancer prevention and control across OIC African Member States. The collaborative efforts and shared experiences underscored the importance of a united approach in tackling the cancer burden. SESRIC, alongside other international organizations and stakeholders, will continue to suppor the efforts of the OIC countries in enhancing capacities, and implementing effective strategies to combat cancer and improve public health outcomes in the region.
