H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK Met with the OIC Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural, and Social Affairs to Enhance Collaboration
Date: 13 May 2024
Venue: Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK engaged in a fruitful discussion with H.E. Amb. Tarig ALI BAKHEET, OIC Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural, and Social Affairs, at the OIC Headquarters in Jeddah.

During their discussion, they emphasized the importance of addressing key socio-economic issues facing the OIC countries, including enhancing education, promoting employment opportunities, and empowering women.

The meeting concluded with SESRIC’s assurance to collaborate on the initiatives and programmes of the Humanitarian, Cultural, and Social Affairs Department of the OIC to contribute to the socio-economic progress, and overall welfare of OIC countries.