H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK Attended the 15th OIC Summit Conference in Banjul
Date: 04-05 May 2024
Venue: Banjul - Gambia

The SESRIC delegation, led by H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, attended the 15th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Banjul which was held under the theme “Enhancing Unity and Solidarity through Dialogue for Sustainable Development”. The SESRIC delegation engaged in strategic discussions and fostered partnerships that support the socio-economic development of the OIC Member Countries.

Chaired by H.E. Adama BARROW, President of the Republic of the Gambia, the Summit was attended by the heads of states, and governments of the OIC Member States, the representatives of OIC institutions as well as high-level dignitaries from non-member states.

In his speech, the OIC Secretary-General Hissein Brahim Taha emphasized the Palestinian cause as the central issue, urging member states to mobilize international support for Palestine’s UN membership. He announced establishing media and legal observatories to document Israeli crimes. Taha reaffirmed OIC’s commitment to addressing political and humanitarian challenges, including Kashmir’s self-determination, relations with Afghanistan, and supporting conflict resolution in Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and the Sahel region. He highlighted OIC’s solidarity with Azerbaijan, Somalia, Turkish Cypriots, Bosnia, and Kosovo, and praised Gambia’s role in defending the Rohingya cause.

Amid the genocide in Gaza, the Summit adopted the “Banjul Declaration” in which heads of OIC Member States affirmed their solidarity in confronting the humanitarian catastrophe befalling Gaza and its people due to the unflinching Israeli aggression for more than six months without respect for the most basic moral and humanitarian values and called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and cessation of the all-out aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The Declaration also called on the countries of the world to take action to stop the crime of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people in Gaza and to implement the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice; and affirmed that all efforts should be made to accelerate the delivery of all humanitarian aid and reject any attempts to displace the Palestinian people from their land.

The Declaration also reaffirmed the need to enable the Palestinian people to realize their legitimate national rights, as recognized by the international community, including through its recognition of the fully sovereign State of Palestine within on the 1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Shareef as its capital.

The Islamic Summit issued a comprehensive final communique addressing various political, economic, humanitarian, cultural, social, and media issues concerning the OIC Member States.

The Summit also issued an independent resolution regarding the “Issue of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif” in light of the unprecedented and grave developments due to the heinous Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza.

The Islamic Summits represent a unique opportunity for OIC Member States to enhance their cooperation in promoting joint Islamic action and engaging in constructive dialogue on global issues and challenges facing the Ummah. The Gambia will assume the presidency of the OIC Summit for the next three years, succeeding the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.