H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK met with with H.E. Demba SABALLY, Minister of Agriculture of The Gambia Ahead of OIC Banjul Summit
Date: 02 May 2024
Venue: Banjul - Gambia

H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK met with H.E. Demba SABALLY, Minister of Agriculture of The Gambia. The meeting, held on 2nd May 2024 ahead of OIC Banjul Summit, aimed to fortify collaboration in the agricultural sector between SESRIC and The Gambia.

The meeting explored avenues to enhance mutual cooperation in agriculture capacity-building programs between SESRIC and National insitutions of The Gambia. Discussions centered on building upon the achievements of previous collaborations and enhancing efforts to promote sustainable agricultural practices, in line with the objectives of the OIC.

Of notable focus during the meeting was the commendable progress achieved through the implementation of the COMCEC-funded project on agricultural data collection and analysis spearheaded by the Ministry of Agriculture of The Gambia. SESRIC's active involvement in last year's project marked its commitment to supporting initiatives aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability across OIC countries. In this context, H.E. SELÇUK expressed SESRIC's willingness to continue its partnership with The Gambia in this crucial domain.

In turn, H.E. SABALLY thanked H.E. SELÇUK for her visit and assured that Ministry of Agriculture of The Gambia would extend its support to SESRIC projects, thereby reinforcing the collaborative efforts to harness the power of data in driving informed decision-making and policy formulation within the agricultural sector.

The bilateral meeting concluded with both parties aiming to strengthen their potential of collaborative endeavors in agriculture and sustainable development, setting the stage for fruitful deliberations and outcomes at the forthcoming OIC Banjul Summit.