SESRIC and Central Bank of The Gambia Engaged in a Bilateral Meeting Ahead of the OIC Banjul Summit
Date: 03 May 2024
Venue: Banjul - Gambia

H.E. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK held a bilateral meeting with H.E. Buah SAIDY, Governor of the Central Bank of The Gambia (CBG) ahead of the OIC Banjul Summit. The meeting aimed to enhance cooperation between the two institutions and harness collective expertise towards the advancement of economic and financial knowledge in Gambia.

The discussions focused on capacity-building initiatives and the exchange of expertise and best practices with the other Central Banks of the OIC Member Countries.

At the meeting, H.E. SELÇUK underlined that the Central Banks Capacity Building Programme (CB-CaB), initiated by SESRIC, has provided invaluable support to CBG in its pursuit of enhancing institutional capacity and promoting excellence in central banking practices. To date, CBG has benefited from 7 capacity-building activities organized under the SESRIC CB-CaB Programme, underscoring the tangible impact of SESRIC's initiatives in strengthening the institutional framework of central banks across the OIC countries.

For his part, H.E. SAIDY emphasized that CBG is ready for knowledge exchange and skills development with SESRIC, thereby empowering professionals and policymakers to facilitate informed decision-making processes. He told that CBG welcomes the opportunities to submit joint projects to the relevant OIC platforms.

The meeting concluded with both parties underscoring the potential of strategic partnerships in driving inclusive growth, fostering innovation, and capacity-building programs for the benefit of Gambia.