SESRIC Participated in the 55th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC)
Date: 26 February - 01 March 2024
Venue: New York – USA

The SESRIC delegation headed by Dr. Atilla Karaman, Chief of Cabinet and Mr. Onur Cağlar, Director of Statistics and Information Department, participated in the 55th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and its side events on 26 February - 01 March 2024 in New York, USA.

The 55th Session covered, among others, data and indicators for the 2030 agenda for sustainable development; regional statistical development; fundamental principles of official statistics; international statistical classifications; statistical capacity development; data stewardship; population and housing censuses; big data; open data; and integration of statistical and geospatial information.

On the margins of the 55th Session, SESRIC organized the Follow-Up Meeting of the OIC Statistical Commission on 28 February 2024. Moderated by Dr. Atilla Karaman, the meeting was attended by 36 representatives from 19 OIC Member Countries, 2 international organisations, and 2 partner institutions. The Follow-Up Meeting reviewed and discussed the implementation of the resolutions of the 12th Session of the OIC-StatCom and preparations for the 13th Session, including the composition of Bureau members, main agenda items, and date and venue. The Follow-Up Meeting proceeded with an informative session on the “Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)” and “TQS-Youth Integration Project”, featuring contributions from partner institutions including the CDC, CDC Foundation, and SESRIC.

SESRIC also participated in several side events held on the sidelines of the 55th Session of the UNSC, including the meeting of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA), the Launching of the Statistical Training Needs Assessment Tool (STAT), The New UN Data Platform: Leveraging the Power of Knowledge Graphs and Artificial Intelligence for Insights and Impact, Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition Statistics: Towards a New Domain Under the Umbrella of the Statistical Commission, Enabling Responsible Access to Sensitive Microdata Using Privacy Enhancing Technologies, and made relevant contributions and interventions to share the perspectives and views of the Centre in these critical areas, aiming to foster international cooperation and strengthen the national statistical systems (NSSs) within the OIC region.

For further details, please refer to the following link:
