Training Course on ‘Labour Inspection on SMEs and Informal Sector’
Date: 08-10 March 2022
Venue: Virtual, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

Within the framework of the OIC Occupational Safety and Health Network (OIC-OSHNET) Work Plan 2021-2022, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) of the Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia organised a Training Course on "Labour Inspection on SMEs and Informal Sector" on 08-10 March 2022 through an online video conferencing platform.

The training course was delivered by competent experts from the DOSH of the Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia for the benefit of 32 participants from the national occupational safety and health (OSH) authorities of 19 OIC Member Countries. The training course aimed to strengthen the technical capacities of labour and OSH inspectors in the OIC Member Countries on how to implement OSH management systems for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to discuss the challenges and the prospects of OSH in SMEs along with the other emerging OSH related issues, such as OSH practices under new normal and IR 4.0.

On behalf of the OIC-Technical Coordinator Institution of the OIC-OSHNET, H.E. Mr. Nebil DABUR, Director General of SESRIC, addressed the opening of the training and highlighted the crucial role played by the labour inspection in ensuring the protection of workers in all sectors at all levels and promoting compliance with principles and rights stemming from international labour standards. In his speech, Mr. DABUR also stressed that the OIC Labour Market Strategy 2025, prepared by SESRIC in accordance with the resolution of the 3rd Islamic Conference of Labour Ministers, emphasizes the importance of developing better legislation infrastructure and inspection mechanisms covering all sectors, whether formal or informal, to reduce the incidence of work-related deaths, injuries and diseases and promote a culture of prevention in OSH in the OIC Member Countries.

On behalf of the Secretariat of the OIC-OSHNET, Mr. Uğur ÖZTÜRK, Deputy Director General of the Occupational Safety and Health at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Türkiye, addressed the participants and underlined the importance of the activities carried out under the OIC-OSHNET Work Plan 2021-2022 to enhance the technical capacities of human resources of the national OSH authorities in OIC countries. Mr. ÖZTÜRK concluded his remarks by thanking H.E. Mr. Nebil DABUR and SESRIC, as well as H.E. Mr. Zailee bin DOLLAH, Director General of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) of the Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia and his team, for the exerted efforts in organising this important capacity building training activity.

In his welcoming remarks, Engr. Mohd Hatta bin ZAKARIA, Deputy Director General of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) of the Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia, stressed the importance of OIC-OSHNET as an important platform to exchange experiences and discuss various challenges faced by OSH institutions in order to improve working conditions and environment in the OIC Member Countries. At the end of his remarks, he expressed his deepest gratitude to the experts from Malaysia and SESRIC, who worked hard to ensure the success of this training course.

The OIC-OSHNET is an OIC platform established to create closer cooperation among the national OSH Institutions of the OIC Member Countries through sharing knowledge, experience and best practices. SESRIC assumes the role of the OIC Technical Coordinator of the OIC-OSHNET and provides facilitation and necessary technical support for the successful implementation of the activities organised within the framework of the OIC-OSHNET Work Plan 2021-2022. For more details about the Network, please visit:
