32nd Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA)
Date: 25-26 September 2018
Venue: Vienna-Austria

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) hosted the Thirty-Second Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) in Vienna, Austria on 25-26 September 2018. Dr. Atilla KARAMAN, Acting Director of Statistics and Information Department of SESRIC represented the Centre thereat.

The agenda of the 32nd Session of CCSA included the following:

·         Presentations on Guiding Principles of Data Reporting and Data Sharing

·         Special Session on Geospatial Information for Statistics

·         Open Data

·         Panel on Funding for Capacity Development

·         Peer Review of International Statistical Programmes

·         Updates on IAOS Conference 2018 and ISI World Statistical Congress 2019

The CCSA promotes interagency coordination on statistical programmes and consistency in statistical practices and development. As a forum of committed members, it fosters good practices in statistical activities of international organisations in accordance with the Principles Governing International Statistical Activities, and within the constraints of their own governance arrangements and resource envelopes.

The members of the CCSA are committed to contribute actively to the development of a coordinated global statistical system producing and disseminating high-quality statistics through facilitating the development and well-functioning of regional and national statistical systems.

For more information, please visit: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/ccsa