Panel on Investment in OIC Member States and Contribution to SDGs
Date: 19 July 2016
Venue: Nairobi-Kenya

SESRIC organised a panel on “Investment in OIC Member States and Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals” on the sideline of the World Investment Forum 2016 which took place in Nairobi, Kenya on 17-21 July 2016 in conjunction with the Fourteenth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Ministerial Meeting (UNCTAD 14).

The panel was facilitated in collaboration with Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) and the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) of Islamic Development Bank Group. The panel hosted speakers from SESRIC, ICDT and ICIEC. Speakers talked about the investment opportunities in OIC Member States, challenges and barriers ahead of investors, prospects for future, and recent initiatives of the OIC in the domain of investment. Dr. Cem Tintin made the presentation on behalf of SESRIC which focused on the recent trends seen in OIC FDI flows and intra-OIC flows.

As part of the World Investment Forum (WIF), the High-Level International Investment Agreements (IIA) Conference was hold on 19 July 2016 bringing together a wide range of stakeholders in the international investment and development community and advance the debate on the future direction of the IIA regime and reform issues. 45 speakers from UN Member Countries, international organisations and civil society organisations had a chance to make an intervention about their respective views on the IIA regime and reforms. The statement of Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC, was read out at the Conference that focused on the importance of the alignment of the new IIA regime and SDGs.

There was a special pavilion earmarked for the OIC and its institutions including ICDT, ICIEC and SESRIC within the Investment Village of the WIF where also UN member states and international organisations had their booths to display their publications.

The World Investment Forum is a high-level, biennial, multi-stakeholder gathering designed to facilitate dialogue and action on the world’s key emerging investment-related challenges. With its ties to member States, the World Investment Forum is able to bring together a broad coalition of investment stakeholders at the highest level who can influence the global investment landscape.

For more information on the forum please visit:


  • Statement of Amb. Musa Kulaklıkaya , Director General, SESRIC (English)
