Workshop on Risk Management Practices in Statistical Organisations
Date: 25-26 April 2016
Venue: Geneva – Switzerland

The Workshop on Risk Management in Statistical Organisations was organised by the Modernisation Committee on Organisational Framework and Evaluation at Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on 25-26 April 2016. The Workshop was attended by official statisticians responsible for risk management in their respective organisations from 24 countries of which 3 of them were also OIC member countries, including Albania, Kyrgyz Republic, and Turkey. The representatives of Secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Statistical Division of UNECE, Eurostat, academia, and SESRIC participated in the Workshop, as well. Dr. Atilla Karaman from the Statistics and Information Department represented SESRIC at the Workshop.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the best risk management practices among the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) according to the results of the survey on risk management practices conducted among UNECE countries. The Workshop presented an overview of the UNECE work on modernisation of official statistics, with a focus on the results of the risk management survey and the implementation of risk management practices in NSOs. Different risk management practices from selected countries were presented, and participants discussed the pros/cons of the implementation of risk management systems in their organisations and draft guidelines on risk and change management. The Workshop also included RiskCamp and RiskLab, open discussion spaces, to identify good practices and key priorities for risk management cooperation projects among NSOs, including the effect of good risk management practices on quality of statistics.

The Modernisation Committee on Organisational Framework and Evaluation is one of the four committees under the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS) that was created by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) in 2010.

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