Project Title: Enhancing National Capacities of OIC Member Countries in Poverty Statistics
Project No: 2013-SESRIC-028
Cooperation Area: Poverty Alleviation
Project Owner : SESRIC
Year of Implementation: 2014
Project Partners:

Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mauritania, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, and Yemen.

Project purpose:

The overall objectives of this project were to highlight the nature and causes of poverty and to formulate strategies for strengthening capacities in the compilation, production and dissemination of poverty statistics, and overall, contributing to the national statistical systems (NSS) of the OIC countries in terms of poverty alleviation, monitoring poverty and aid effectiveness. In this respect, the project aimed at identifying nature and causes of poverty through the preparation of policy-oriented research paper with a special section that considered the statistical capacities and needs in poverty statistics, and provided effective recommendations to the OIC Member Countries.

Completed Project Activities:
  • Questionnaire design, circulation, and evaluation of the survey results,
  • Organisation of two meetings in collaboration with the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation WG with the participation of experts from National Statistical Offices (NSOs) in order to:
    • draw the outline of the policy- oriented research paper, and
    • review and finalize the draft report prepared by experts.

For further information regarding the meetings, please visit: First Meeting, Second Meeting

  • Drafting and publishing of the Research Paper on the subject matter.