SESRIC Activities on Health

The domain of health constitutes an important element among the extensive range of mandates which emanate from the OIC Ten-Year Program of Action. This is based on the realization of the fact that health is central to overall human development and reduction of poverty. The OIC Ten-Year Program of Action has recommended the OIC General Secretariat, in coordination with other OIC institutions, to make the necessary contacts with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other relevant institutions to draw up a program for combating diseases and epidemics, to be financed through the special fund that will be created within the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). This Program also called upon Member Countries to Strengthen laws aimed at preserving the rights of children, enjoying the highest possible health levels, taking effective measures in order to eradicate poliomyelitis and protect them from all forms of violence and exploitation.

To enhance the Intra-OIC cooperation in health sector, three Ministerial Conferences and four Steering Committee meetings were held since 2007. Currently, the Steering Committee on Health comprises seven Member States representing the three OIC regions, the OIC General Secretariat, the OIC Institutions such as IDB, SESRIC, ISESCO, COMSTECH and Intergovernmental Organizations such as WHO, UN.

Official Website of OIC-Health Activities


Official Website of the Tobacco Free OIC Initiative