SESRIC Becomes a Member of the Gender Statistics Network
Date: 15 November 2018
Venue: Ankara - Türkiye

SESRIC has become a formal member of the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training (SGGST) of the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific coordinated by the UN Women (the secretariat of the subgroup) and the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) (the secretariat of the Network) on 15 November 2018.

The main objective of the Subgroup is to ensure data users and producers in Asia and the Pacific have the necessary skills to produce, disseminate and use gender statistics widely, including for SDG monitoring. The Subgroup shall support the regional development and implementation of training on gender statistics by setting up the necessary mechanisms for jumpstarting the implementation of the group’s work; facilitating information-sharing regarding training on the production, dissemination and use of gender statistics for SDG monitoring; promoting coordination among statistics training providers, particularly at national and regional levels, but also with the global statistical system as needed, for providing training on gender statistics; contributing to the development of a training framework on gender statistics following a results-based-management approach; contributing to the development and improvement of specific training programmes to address current gaps in training needs in Asia and the Pacific; and promoting collaborative implementation of training programmes.

As a member of the Subgroup, SESRIC participated in the SGGST meetings organised by the UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in 2019, in which the details can be accessed through the following links:

For more information on the Terms of Reference of the Subgroup, please visit:

For more information on Gender Statistics Training Curriculum, developed by UN Women and SIAP under the guidance of the SGGST, please visit: