Annual Economic Report on the OIC Countries 2010
Date: 06 October 2010

The Annual Economic Report on the OIC Countries 2010 appears in a time when many developed and developing countries are still suffering the negative impacts of the global economic and financial crisis in terms of continuous slowdown of economic growth and high unemployment rates. International, regional and national development organisations are still struggling to curb the adverse impacts of the global recession and, in particular, to reduce the burden of unemployment on the societies.

In this connection, the current issue of the Annual Economic Report on the OIC Countries analyses the trends in the major economic indicators of the OIC countries in the light of both the strong growth in the rate of the world economy, which started in the early 2000s and continued until 2007, and the sudden slowdown in the world economic activity in 2008 and 2009 as a result of the global financial crisis. In addition, the Report considers the recent projections which show that the downside risks in the world economy will continue to persist in 2010 as a result of the current global financial crisis. The Report also devotes a special section that analyses the recent state as well as the constraints and challenges facing agricultural development in the OIC member countries.

Online Electronic Version

Annual Economic Report on the OIC Countries 2010 (English) (Arabic) (French)