Indicator Unit Definition
01.05.02 / 11.05.02 Direct Economic Loss to Other Damaged or Destroyed Productive Assets Attributed to Disasters (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
02.01.02 Prevalence of Severe Food Insecurity in the Adult Population Percent Please refer to for metadata.
02.01.02 Total Population in Severe Food Insecurity (in Thousands) Number Please refer to for metadata.
02.03.01 Productivity of Small-Scale Food Producers (Agricultural Output per Labour Day, Constant 2011 Prices PPP) USD Please refer to for metadata.
02.03.02 Average Income of Small-Scale Food Producers, PPP (in Constant 2011 Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
02.05.02 Local Breeds Classified as Being at Unknown Level of Risk of Extinction Number Please refer to for metadata.
02.05.02 Local Breeds Classified as Known Being at Risk Number Please refer to for metadata.
02.05.02 Local Breeds Classified as Known Being Not at Risk Number Please refer to for metadata.
02.05.02 Proportion of Local Breeds Classified as Being at Unknown Level of Risk of Extinction Percent Please refer to for metadata.
02.05.02 Proportion of Local Breeds Classified as Known Being at Risk Percent Please refer to for metadata.
02.05.02 Proportion of Local Breeds Classified as Known Being Not at Risk Percent Please refer to for metadata.
02.0c.01 Indicator of Food Price Anomalies (IFPA), Maize Value Please refer to for metadata.
02.0c.01 Indicator of Food Price Anomalies (IFPA), Millet Value Please refer to for metadata.
02.0c.01 Indicator of Food Price Anomalies (IFPA), Sorghum Value Please refer to for metadata.
03.0d.01 Average of 13 International Health Regulations (IHR) Core Capacities Percent Please refer to for metadata.
04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
04.05.01 Gender Parity Index for Achievement in Lower Secondary Education Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
06.06.01 Water Body Extent (Permanent and maybe Permanent), % of Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
06.06.01 Water Body Extent (Permanent) Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
06.06.01 Water Body Extent (Permanent), % of Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
11.05.02 Other Destroyed or Damaged Critical Infrastructure Units and Facilities Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
12.04.02 Electronic Waste Generated Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
12.04.02 Electronic Waste Generated per Capita Kg Please refer to for metadata.
12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Pre-Tax Subsidies (Consumption and Production) (Current Prices in Billions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Pre-Tax Subsidies (Consumption and Production) as a Proportion of Total GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Pre-Tax Subsidies (Consumption and Production) per Capita USD Please refer to for metadata.
16.02.02 Detected Victims of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, All Ages, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
17.19.01 Dollar Value of All Resources Made Available to Strengthen Statistical Capacity in Developing Countries Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 15+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 15+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 15+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 25+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 25+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Employed Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 25+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 15-64, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, Ages 65+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, Ages Below 15, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, All Ages, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, All Ages, Both Sexes, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, All Ages, Both Sexes, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, All Ages, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.01.01 Proportion of Population below International Poverty Line, All Ages, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.02.01 Proportion of Population Living below the National Poverty Line Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Children / Households Receiving Child / Family Cash Benefit Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Employed Population Covered in the Event of Work Injury Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Mothers with Newborns Receiving Maternity Cash Benefit Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Population above Statutory Pensionable Age Receiving a Pension, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Population Covered by at Least One Social Protection Benefit Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Population Covered by Social Assistance Programs Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Population Covered by Social Insurance Programs Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Population with Severe Disabilities Receiving Disability Cash Benefit, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Unemployed Persons Receiving Unemployment Cash Benefit Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.03.01 Proportion of Vulnerable Population Receiving Social Assistance Cash Benefit Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.04.01 Proportion of Population Using Basic Drinking Water Services Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.04.01 Proportion of Population Using Basic Drinking Water Services, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.04.01 Proportion of Population Using Basic Drinking Water Services, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.04.01 Proportion of Population Using Basic Sanitation Services Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.04.01 Proportion of Population Using Basic Sanitation Services, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.04.01 Proportion of Population Using Basic Sanitation Services, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 Deaths and Missing Persons Attributed to Disasters Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 Deaths and Missing Persons Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 Deaths due to Disaster Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 Directly Affected Persons Attributed to Disasters Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 Injured or Ill People Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 Missing Persons due to Disaster Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 People Affected by Disaster Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 People Whose Damaged Dwellings Were Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 People Whose Destroyed Dwellings Were Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.01 / 11.05.01 / 13.01.01 People whose Livelihoods were Disrupted or Destroyed, Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.02 / 11.05.02 Direct Agriculture Loss Attributed to Disasters (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.02 / 11.05.02 Direct Economic Loss Attributed to Disasters (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.02 / 11.05.02 Direct Economic Loss Attributed to Disasters Relative to GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.02 / 11.05.02 Direct Economic Loss in the Housing Sector Attributed to Disasters (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.02 / 11.05.02 Direct Economic Loss Resulting from Damaged or Destroyed Critical Infrastructure Attributed to Disasters (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.02 / 11.05.02 Direct Economic Loss to Cultural Heritage Damaged or Destroyed Attributed to Disasters (Current Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.03 / 11.0b.01 / 13.01.02 Score of Adoption and Implementation of National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in line with the Sendai Framework Index Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.04 / 11.0b.02 / 13.01.03 Local Governments Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.04 / 11.0b.02 / 13.01.03 Local Governments that Adopt and Implement Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in line with National Strategies Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.05.04 / 11.0b.02 / 13.01.03 Proportion of Local Governments that Adopt and Implement Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in line with National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.0a.01 Official Development Assistance Grants for Poverty Reduction, by Recipient Countries (Percentage of GNI) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 01.0a.02 Proportion of Total Government Spending on Essential Services, Education Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.01 Prevalence of Undernourishment Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.01 Undernourished People (in Millions) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Population in Moderate or Severe Food Insecurity, All Ages, Both Sexes (in Thousands) Persons Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Population in Moderate or Severe Food Insecurity, Ages 15+, Female (in Thousands) Persons Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Population in Moderate or Severe Food Insecurity, Ages 15+, Male (in Thousands) Persons Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Population in Severe Food Insecurity, Ages 15+, Female (in Thousands) Persons Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Population in Severe Food Insecurity, Ages 15+, Male (in Thousands) Persons Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Population Severe Food Insecurity, All Ages, Both Sexes (in Thousands) Persons Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Prevalence of Moderate or Severe Food Insecurity in the Adult Population, Ages 15+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Prevalence of Moderate or Severe Food Insecurity in the Adult Population, Ages 15+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Prevalence of Moderate or Severe Food Insecurity in the All Ages, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Prevalence of Severe Food Insecurity in the Adult Population, Ages 15+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Prevalence of Severe Food Insecurity in the Adult Population, Ages 15+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.01.02 Prevalence of Severe Food Insecurity, All Ages, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.01 Children Moderately or Severely Stunted, Ages <5Y (in Thousands) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.01 Proportion of Children Moderately or Severely Stunted, Ages <5Y Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.02 Children Moderately or Severely Overweight, Ages <5Y (in Thousands) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.02 Children Moderately or Severely Wasted, Ages <5Y (in Thousands) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.02 Proportion of Children Moderately or Severely Overweight, Ages <5Y Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.02 Proportion of Children Moderately or Severely Wasted, Ages <5Y Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.03 Proportion of Women Aged 15-49 Years with Anaemia Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.03 Proportion of Women Aged 15-49 Years with Anaemia, Non-Pregnant Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.02.03 Proportion of Women Aged 15-49 Years with Anaemia, Pregnant Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.01 Local Breeds for which Sufficient Genetic Resources are Stored for Reconstitution Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.01 Local Breeds Kept in the Country Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.01 Plant Genetic Resources Accessions Stored ex Situ Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.01 Proportion of Local Breeds for which Sufficient Genetic Resources are Stored for Reconstitution Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.01 Transboundary Breeds (Including Extinct Ones) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.01 Transboundary Breeds for which Sufficient Genetic Resources are Stored for Reconstitution Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.02 Local Breeds (not Extinct) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.02 Local Breeds with Unknown Risk Status Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.05.02 Proportion of Local Breeds Classified as Being at Risk as a Share of Local Breeds with Known Level of Extinction Risk Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.0a.01 Agriculture Orientation Index for Government Expenditures Index Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.0a.01 Agriculture Share of Government Expenditure Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.0a.01 Agriculture Value Added Share of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.0a.02 Total Official Flows (disbursements) for Agriculture, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2021 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.0c.01 Consumer Food Price Index Index Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.0c.01 Indicator of Food Price Anomalies (IFPA), Rice Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 02.0c.01 Indicator of Food Price Anomalies (IFPA), Wheat Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.01.01 Maternal Mortality Ratio Per 100,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.01.02 Proportion of Births Attended by Skilled Health Personnel Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Infant Deaths, Ages <1Y, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Infant Deaths, Ages <1Y, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Infant Deaths, Ages <1Y, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Infant Mortality Rate, Ages <1Y, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Infant Mortality Rate, Ages <1Y, Female Per 1,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Infant Mortality Rate, Ages <1Y, Male Per 1,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Under-Five Deaths, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Under-Five Deaths, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Under-Five Deaths, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Under-Five Mortality Rate, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Under-Five Mortality Rate, Female Per 1,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.01 Under-Five Mortality Rate, Male Per 1,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.02 Neonatal Deaths, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.02.02 Neonatal Mortality Rate, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Live Births Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 15-24, Female Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 15-24, Male Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 15-49, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 15-49, Female Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 15-49, Male Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 50+, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 50+, Female Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages 50+, Male Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, Ages <15Y, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, All Ages, Both Sexes Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, All Ages, Female Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.01 New HIV Infections, All Ages, Male Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.02 Tuberculosis Incidence Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.03 Malaria Incidence, Population at Risk Per 1,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.04 Prevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.03.05 People Requiring Interventions Against Neglected Tropical Diseases Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Cancer, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Cancer, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Cancer, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Cardiovascular Disease, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Cardiovascular Disease, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Cardiovascular Disease, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Diabetes, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Diabetes, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Deaths Attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, Diabetes, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Mortality Rate Attributed to Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Diabetes or Chronic Respiratory Disease (Probability), Ages 30-70, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Mortality Rate Attributed to Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Diabetes or Chronic Respiratory Disease (Probability), Ages 30-70, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.01 Mortality Rate Attributed to Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Diabetes or Chronic Respiratory Disease (Probability), Ages 30-70, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.02 Deaths Attributed to Suicide, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.02 Deaths Attributed to Suicide, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.02 Deaths Attributed to Suicide, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.02 Suicide Mortality Rate, Both Sexes Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.02 Suicide Mortality Rate, Female Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.04.02 Suicide Mortality Rate, Male Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.05.02 Alcohol Consumption per Capita within a Calendar Year, Ages 15+, Both Sexes Litres of Pure Alcohol Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.05.02 Alcohol Consumption per Capita within a Calendar Year, Ages 15+, Female Litres of Pure Alcohol Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.05.02 Alcohol Consumption per Capita within a Calendar Year, Ages 15+, Male Litres of Pure Alcohol Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.06.01 Death Rate due to Road Traffic Injuries, Both Sexes Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.06.01 Death Rate due to Road Traffic Injuries, Female Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.06.01 Death Rate due to Road Traffic Injuries, Male Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.07.01 Proportion of Women of Reproductive Age who have Their Need for Family Planning Satisfied with Modern Methods, Ages 15-49 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.07.02 Adolescent Birth Rate, Ages 10-14, Female Per 1,000 Women Aged 10-14 years Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.07.02 Adolescent Birth Rate, Ages 15-19, Female Per 1,000 Women Aged 15-19 years Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.08.01 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Service Coverage Index Index Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.08.02 Proportion of Population with Large Household Expenditures on Health (greater than 10%) as a Share of Total Household Expenditure or Income Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.08.02 Proportion of Population with Large Household Expenditures on Health (greater than 25%) as a Share of Total Household Expenditure or Income Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.09.03 Mortality Rate Attributed to Unintentional Poisonings, Both Sexes Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.09.03 Mortality Rate Attributed to Unintentional Poisonings, Female Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.09.03 Mortality Rate Attributed to Unintentional Poisonings, Male Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0a.01 Age-Standardized Prevalence of Current Tobacco use Among Persons, Ages 15+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0a.01 Age-Standardized Prevalence of Current Tobacco Use among Persons, Ages 15+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0a.01 Age-Standardized Prevalence of Current Tobacco Use among Persons, Ages 15+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0b.01 Proportion of the Target Population with Access to 3 Doses of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP3) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0b.01 Proportion of the Target Population with Access to Measles-Containing-Vaccine Second-Dose (MCV2) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0b.01 Proportion of the Target Population with Access to Pneumococcal Conjugate 3rd Dose (PCV3) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0b.02 Total Official Development Assistance to Medical Research and Basic Health Sectors, Gross Disbursement, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2022 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0b.02 Total Official Development Assistance to Medical Research and Basic Health Sectors, Net Disbursement, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2022 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Density, Dentists Per 10,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Density, Medical Doctors Per 10,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Density, Nursing and Midwifery Personnel Per 10,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Density, Pharmacists Per 10,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Distribution, Medical Doctors, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Distribution, Medical Doctors, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Distribution, Nursing Personnel, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0c.01 Health Worker Distribution, Nursing Personnel, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR01 (National Legislation, Policy and Financing) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR02 (Coordination and National Focal Point Communications) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR03 (Surveillance) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR04 (Response) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR05 (Preparedness) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR06 (Risk Communication) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR07 (Human Resources) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR08 (Laboratory) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR09 (Points of Entry) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR10 (Zoonotic Events) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR11 (Food Safety) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR12 (Chemical Events) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, IHR13 (Radionuclear Emergencies) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR01 (Legislation and Financing) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR02 (IHR Coordination and National IHR Focal Point Functions) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR03 (Zoonotic Events and Human–Animal Interface) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR04 (Food Safety) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR05 (Laboratory) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR06 (Surveillance) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR07 (Human Resources) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR08 (National Health Emergency Framework) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR09 (Health Service Provision) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR10 (Risk Communication) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR11 (Points of Entry) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR12 (Chemical Events) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR13 (Radiation Emergencies) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C01 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C02 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C03 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C04 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C05 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C06 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C07 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C08 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C09 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C10 Percent
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C11 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C12 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C13 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C14 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.01 International Health Regulations (IHR) Capacity, SPAR2-C15 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.02 Bloodstream Infection due to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) among Patients Seeking Care and whose Blood Sample is Taken and Tested Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 03.0d.02 Bloodstream Infection due to Escherichia Coli Resistant to 3rd-Generation Cephalosporin (E.G., ESBL- E. Coli) among Patients Seeking Care and whose Blood Sample is Taken and Tested Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Lower Secondary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Lower Secondary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Primary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Primary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Primary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Reading, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Reading, Lower Secondary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Reading, Lower Secondary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Reading, Primary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Reading, Primary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.01 Proportion of Children and Young People Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Reading, Primary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Female, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Female, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Male, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Male, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Both Sexes, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Both Sexes, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Female, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Female, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Male, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Primary, Male, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Female, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Female, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Male, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.01.02 Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Male, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.02.02 Participation Rate in Organized Learning (one year before the official primary entry age), Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.02.02 Participation Rate in Organized Learning (one year before the official primary entry age), Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.02.02 Participation Rate in Organized Learning (one year before the official primary entry age), Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 15-64, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 15-64, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 15-64, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 25-54, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 25-54, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.03.01 Participation Rate in Formal and Non-Formal Education and Training, Ages 25-54, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, ARSP, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, CMFL, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, COPA, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, EMAIL, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, EPRS, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, INST, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, PCPR, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, SOFT, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.04.01 Proportion of Youth and Adults with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills, TRAF, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Lower Secondary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Achieving a Minimum Proficiency Level in Reading and Mathematics, Mathematics, Primary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for Participation Rate in Organized Learning (one year before the official primary entry age) Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for the Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Lower Secondary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for the Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Pre-Primary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for the Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Primary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for the Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Secondary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Gender Parity Index for the Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Upper Secondary Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Female Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Male Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Both Sexes Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Female Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Male Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Female Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Location Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Male Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Female Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Female, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Female, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Male Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Male, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Lower Secondary, Male, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Both Sexes Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Both Sexes, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Both Sexes, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Female Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Female, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Female, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Male Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Male, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Primary, Male, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Female Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Female, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Female, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Male Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Male, Rural Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.05.01 Adjusted Wealth Parity Index for Completion Rate, Upper Secondary, Male, Urban Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Access to Single-Sex Basic Sanitation, Lower Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Access to Single-Sex Basic Sanitation, Primary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Access to Single-Sex Basic Sanitation, Upper Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Adapted Infrastructure and Materials for Students with Disabilities, Lower Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Adapted Infrastructure and Materials for Students with Disabilities, Primary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Adapted Infrastructure and Materials for Students with Disabilities, Upper Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Basic Drinking Water, Lower Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Basic Drinking Water, Primary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Basic Drinking Water, Upper Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Computers for Pedagogical Purposes, Lower Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Computers for Pedagogical Purposes, Primary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Computers for Pedagogical Purposes, Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Computers for Pedagogical Purposes, Upper Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Electricity, Lower Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Electricity, Primary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to Electricity, Upper Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to the Internet for Pedagogical Purposes, Lower Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to the Internet for Pedagogical Purposes, Primary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to the Internet for Pedagogical Purposes, Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Access to the Internet for Pedagogical Purposes, Upper Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Basic Handwashing Facilities, Lower Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Basic Handwashing Facilities, Primary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0a.01 Proportion of Schools with Basic Handwashing Facilities, Upper Secondary Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0b.01 Total Official Flows for Scholarships, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2021 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Lower Secondary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Lower Secondary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Lower Secondary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Pre-Primary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Pre-Primary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Pre-Primary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Primary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Primary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Primary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Secondary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Secondary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Secondary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Upper Secondary, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Upper Secondary, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 04.0c.01 Proportion of Teachers with the Minimum Required Qualifications, Upper Secondary, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.01.01 Legal Frameworks that Promote, Enforce and Monitor Gender Equality: Area 1: Overarching Legal Frameworks and Public Life, % of Achievement (0-100) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.01.01 Legal Frameworks that Promote, Enforce and Monitor Gender Equality: Area 2: Violence Against Women, % of Achievement (0-100) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.01.01 Legal Frameworks that Promote, Enforce and Monitor Gender Equality: Area 3: Employment and Economic Benefits, % of Achievement (0-100) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.01.01 Legal Frameworks that Promote, Enforce and Monitor Gender Equality: Area 4: Marriage and Family, % of Achievement (0-100) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.05.01 Proportion of Elected Seats Held by Women in Deliberative Bodies of Local Government Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.05.01 Proportion of Seats Held by Women in National Parliaments, % of Total Number of Seats Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.05.01 Seats Held by Women in National Parliaments Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.05.01 Seats in National Parliaments Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.05.02 Proportion of Women in Managerial Positions Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.05.02 Proportion of Women in Senior and Middle Management Positions Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.06.01 Proportion of Women who Make Their Own Informed Decisions regarding Contraceptive Use, Ages 15-49 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.06.01 Proportion of Women who Make Their Own Informed Decisions regarding Reproductive Health Care, Ages 15-49 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.0b.01 Proportion of Individuals who own a Mobile Telephone, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.0b.01 Proportion of Individuals who own a Mobile Telephone, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 05.0b.01 Proportion of Individuals who own a Mobile Telephone, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.01.01 Proportion of Population Using Safely Managed Drinking Water Services Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.01.01 Proportion of Population Using Safely Managed Drinking Water Services, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.01.01 Proportion of Population Using Safely Managed Drinking Water Services, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population Practicing Open Defecation Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population Practicing Open Defecation, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population Practicing Open Defecation, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population Using Safely Managed Sanitation Services Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population Using Safely Managed Sanitation Services, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population Using Safely Managed Sanitation Services, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population with Basic Handwashing Facilities on Premises Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population with Basic Handwashing Facilities on Premises, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.02.01 Proportion of Population with Basic Handwashing Facilities on Premises, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.01 Water Use Efficiency USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.01 Water Use Efficiency, Industries USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.01 Water Use Efficiency, ISIC4_A01_A0210_A0322 USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.01 Water Use Efficiency, ISIC4_GTT USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.02 Level of Water Stress: Freshwater Withdrawal as a Proportion of Available Freshwater Resources Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.02 Level of Water Stress: Freshwater Withdrawal as a Proportion of Available Freshwater Resources, Industries USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.02 Level of Water Stress: Freshwater Withdrawal as a Proportion of Available Freshwater Resources, ISIC4_A01_A0210_A0356 USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.04.02 Level of Water Stress: Freshwater Withdrawal as a Proportion of Available Freshwater Resources, ISIC4_GTT USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.01 Degree of Integrated Water Resources Management Implementation Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.01 Degree of Integrated Water Resources Management Implementation, Enabling Environment USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.01 Degree of Integrated Water Resources Management Implementation, Financing USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.01 Degree of Integrated Water Resources Management Implementation, Institutions and Participation USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.01 Degree of Integrated Water Resources Management Implementation, Management Instruments USD per M3 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.02 Proportion of Transboundary Aquifers with an Operational Arrangement for Water Cooperation Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.02 Proportion of Transboundary Basins (River and Lake Basins and Aquifers) with an Operational Arrangement for Water Cooperation Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.05.02 Proportion of Transboundary River and Lake Basins with an Operational Arrangement for Water Cooperation Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Trophic State, Extreme Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Trophic State, High Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Trophic State, Low Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Trophic State, Medium Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Turbidity, Extreme Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Turbidity, High Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Turbidity, Low Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lake Water Quality Turbidity, Medium Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lakes and Rivers Permanent Water Area Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lakes and Rivers Permanent Water Area Change Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lakes and Rivers Permanent Water Area Change Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lakes and Rivers Permanent Water Area, % of Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lakes and Rivers Seasonal Water Area Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lakes and Rivers Seasonal Water Area Change Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Lakes and Rivers Seasonal Water Area, % of Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Mangrove Area Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Mangrove Area Baseline Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Mangrove Area Gain Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Mangrove Area Gain Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Mangrove Area Loss Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Mangrove Area Loss Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Mangrove Total Area Change Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Reservoir Maximum Water Area Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Reservoir Maximum Water Area, % of Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Reservoir Minimum Water Area Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Reservoir Minimum Water Area, % of Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.06.01 Water Body Extent (Permanent and maybe Permanent) Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.0a.01 Total Official Development Assistance (Gross Disbursement) for Water Supply and Sanitation, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2021 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.0b.01 Countries with Procedures in Law or Policy for Participation by Service Users/Communities in Planning Program in Water Resources Planning and Management, by Level of Definition in Procedures (10 = Clearly defined; 5 = Not clearly defined ; 0 = NA) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.0b.01 Countries with Procedures in Law or Policy for Participation by Service Users/Communities in Planning Programs in Rural Drinking-Water Supply, by Level of Definition in Procedures, Rural Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.0b.01 Countries with Users/Communities Participating in Planning Programs in Rural Drinking-Water Supply, by Level of Participation, Rural Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 06.0b.01 Countries with Users/Communities Participating in Planning Programs in Water Resources Planning and Management, by Level of Participation (3 = High; 2 = Moderate; 1 = Low; 0 = NA) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.01.01 Proportion of Population with Access to Electricity Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.01.01 Proportion of Population with Access to Electricity, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.01.01 Proportion of Population with Access to Electricity, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.01.02 Proportion of Population with Primary Reliance on Clean Fuels and Technology Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.01.02 Proportion of Population with Primary Reliance on Clean Fuels and Technology, Rural Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.01.02 Proportion of Population with Primary Reliance on Clean Fuels and Technology, Urban Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.02.01 Renewable Energy Share in the Total Final Energy Consumption Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.03.01 Energy Intensity Level of Primary Energy Megajoules per Constant 2017 PPP GDP Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, including in Hybrid Systems, All Renewables (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, Including in Hybrid Systems, Bioenergy (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, Including in Hybrid Systems, Geotermal (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions USD) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, Including in Hybrid Systems, Hydropower (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, Including in Hybrid Systems, Marine (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions USD) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, Including in Hybrid Systems, Multiple Renewables (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, Including in Hybrid Systems, Solar Energy (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0a.01 International Financial Flows to Developing Countries in Support of Clean Energy Research and Development and Renewable Energy Production, Including in Hybrid Systems, Wind Energy (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0b.01 / 12.0a.01 Installed Renewable Electricity per capita, Generating Capacity, All Renewables Watts Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0b.01 / 12.0a.01 Installed Renewable Electricity per Capita, Generating Capacity, Bioenergy Watts Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0b.01 / 12.0a.01 Installed Renewable Electricity per Capita, Generating Capacity, Hydropower Watts Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0b.01 / 12.0a.01 Installed Renewable Electricity per Capita, Generating Capacity, Solar Energy Watts Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 07.0b.01 / 12.0a.01 Installed Renewable Electricity per Capita, Generating Capacity, Wind Energy Watts Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.01.01 Annual Growth Rate of Real GDP per Capita Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.02.01 Annual Growth Rate of Real GDP per Employed Person Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Non-Agriculture, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Non-Agriculture, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.03.01 Proportion of Informal Employment, Non-Agriculture, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, All Raw Materials Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Biomass Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Coal Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Construction Dominant Non-Metallic Minerals Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Crop Residues Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Crops Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Ferrous Ores Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Fossil Fuels Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Grazed Biomass and Fodder Crops Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Industrial or Agricultural Dominant Non-Metallic Minerals Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Metal Ores Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Natural Gas Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Non-Ferrous Ores Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Non-Metallic Minerals Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Petroleum Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Wild Catch and Harvest Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Capita, Wood Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, All Raw Materials Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Biomass Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Coal Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Construction Dominant Non-Metallic Minerals Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Crop Residues Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Crops Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Ferrous Ores Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Fossil Fuels Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Grazed Biomass and Fodder Crops Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Industrial or Agricultural Dominant Non-Metallic Minerals Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Metal Ores Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Natural Gas Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Non-Ferrous Ores Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Non-Metallic Minerals Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Petroleum Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Wild Catch and Harvest Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption per Unit of GDP, Wood Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, All Raw Materials Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Biomass Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Coal Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Construction Dominant Non-Metallic Minerals Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Crop Residues Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Crops Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Ferrous Ores Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Fossil Fuels Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Grazed Biomass and Fodder Crops Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Industrial or Agricultural Dominant Non-Metallic Minerals Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Metal Ores Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Natural Gas Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Non-Ferrous Ores Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Non-Metallic Minerals Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Petroleum Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Wild Catch and Harvest Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.04.02 / 12.02.02 Domestic Material Consumption, Wood Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate of Persons with Disability, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate of Persons with Disability, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate of Persons with Disability, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 15+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 15+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 15+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 25+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 25+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.05.02 Unemployment Rate, Ages 25+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.06.01 Proportion of Youth not in Education, Employment or Training, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.06.01 Proportion of Youth not in Education, Employment or Training, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.06.01 Proportion of Youth not in Education, Employment or Training, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.08.02 Level of National Compliance with Labour Rights (Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining) based on International Labour Organization (ILO) Textual Sources and National Legislation Score Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.0a.01 Total Official Flows (Commitments) for Aid for Trade, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2021 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.0a.01 Total Official Flows (Disbursement) for Aid for Trade, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2021 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.0b.01 Existence of a Developed and Operationalized National Strategy for Youth Employment, as a Distinct Strategy or as Part of a National Employment Strategy Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.01 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) per 100,000 Adults, 15+ Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.01 Commercial Bank Branches per 100,000 Adults, 15+ Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults Active in Labour Force with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Ages 15+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults Out of Labour Force with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider (% of adults aged 15 years and older), Ages 15+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider (% of adults aged 15 years and older), Ages 25+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Ages 15+, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Ages 15+, Both Sexes, Primary Education or Less Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Ages 15+, Both Sexes, Secondary Education or Above Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Ages 15+, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Ages 15+, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 08.10.02 Proportion of Adults with an Account at a Financial Institution or Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Container Port Traffic, Maritime Transport 20-Foot Equivalent Units Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Freight Volume, Air Transport Tonnes * Km Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Freight Volume, Air Transport Tonnes * Km Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Freight Volume, Rail Transport Tonnes * Km Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Freight Volume, Road Transport Tonnes * Km Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Passenger Volume, Air Transport Passengers * Km Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Passenger Volume, Air Transport Passengers * Km Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.01.02 Passenger Volume, Rail Transport Passengers * Km Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.02.01 Manufacturing Value Added (Constant 2015 Prices USD) as a proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.02.01 Manufacturing Value Added (Current Prices USD) as a proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.02.01 Manufacturing Value Added per Capita (Constant 2015 Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.02.02 Manufacturing Employment as a Proportion of Total Employment Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.03.02 Proportion of Small-Scale Industries with a Loan or Line of Credit Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.04.01 Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fuel Combustion, ISIC4_C10T32X19 (in Millions) Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.04.01 Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fuel Combustion, Total (in Millions) Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.04.01 Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Unit of GDP Kg of CO2 per Constant 2017 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.04.01 Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Unit of Manufacturing Value Added Kg of CO2 per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.05.01 Research and Development Expenditure as a Proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.05.02 Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants Per 1,000,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.0a.01 Total Official Flows for Infrastructure, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2021 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.0b.01 Proportion of Medium and High-tech Industry Value Added in Total Value Added Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.0c.01 Proportion of Population Covered by a Mobile Network, 2G Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.0c.01 Proportion of Population Covered by a Mobile Network, 3G Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 09.0c.01 Proportion of Population Covered by a Mobile Network, 4G Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.02.01 Proportion of People living below 50 Percent of Median Income Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.04.01 Labour Share of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.05.01 Liquid Assets to Short Term Liabilities Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.05.01 Net Open Position in Foreign Exchange to Capital Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.05.01 Non-Performing Loans Net of Provisions to Capital Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.05.01 Non-Performing Loans to Total Gross Loans Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.05.01 Regulatory Capital to Assets Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.05.01 Regulatory Tier 1 Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.05.01 Return on Assets Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Members of Developing Countries in International Organizations, African Development Bank (AFDB) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Members of Developing Countries in International Organizations, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Members of Developing Countries in International Organizations, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Members of Developing Countries in International Organizations, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Members of Developing Countries in International Organizations, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Members of Developing Countries in International Organizations, UN General Assembly (UNGA) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Members of Developing Countries in International Organizations, World Trade Organisation (WTO) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Voting Rights of Developing Countries in International Organizations, by organization, African Development Bank (AFDB) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Voting Rights of Developing Countries in International Organizations, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Voting Rights of Developing Countries in International Organizations, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Voting Rights of Developing Countries in International Organizations, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Voting Rights of Developing Countries in International Organizations, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Voting Rights of Developing Countries in International Organizations, UN General Assembly (UNGA) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.06.01 / 16.08.01 Proportion of Voting Rights of Developing Countries in International Organizations, World Trade Organization (WTO) Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.07.03 Total Deaths and Disappearances Recorded During Migration Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.07.04 Refugees by Country of Origin Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0a.01 Proportion of Tariff Lines Applied to Imports with Zero-Tariff , Agricultural Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0a.01 Proportion of Tariff Lines Applied to Imports with Zero-Tariff, Arms Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0a.01 Proportion of Tariff Lines Applied to Imports with Zero-Tariff, Clothing Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0a.01 Proportion of Tariff Lines Applied to Imports with Zero-Tariff, Industrial Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0a.01 Proportion of Tariff Lines Applied to Imports with Zero-Tariff, Oil Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0a.01 Proportion of Tariff Lines Applied to Imports with Zero-Tariff, Textiles Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0a.01 Proportion of Tariff Lines Applied to Imports with Zero-Tariff, Total or No Breakdown Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0b.01 Total Assistance for Development, by Recipient Countries (Current Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 10.0c.01 Average Remittance Costs of Sending $200 to a Receiving Country as a Proportion of the Amount Remitted Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.01.01 Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slums Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Damaged Critical Infrastructure Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Destroyed or Damaged Educational Facilities Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Destroyed or Damaged Health Facilities Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Disruptions to Basic Services Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Disruptions to Educational Services Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Disruptions to Health Services Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Disruptions to Other Basic Services Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.05.03 Other Destroyed or Damaged Critical Infrastructure Units and Facilities Attributed to Disasters Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.06.02 Annual Mean Levels of Fine Particulate Matter, City, per m3 Micrograms Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.06.02 Annual Mean Levels of Fine Particulate Matter, Rural, per m3 Micrograms Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.06.02 Annual Mean Levels of Fine Particulate Matter, Total, per m3 Micrograms Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.06.02 Annual Mean Levels of Fine Particulate Matter, Town and Semi-Dense Area, per m3 Micrograms Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 11.06.02 Annual Mean Levels of Fine Particulate Matter, Urban, per m3 Micrograms Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.01 Parties Meeting their Commitments and Obligations in Transmitting Information as Required by Basel Convention on Hazardous Waste and Other Chemicals Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.01 Parties Meeting their Commitments and Obligations in Transmitting Information as Required by Montreal Protocol on Hazardous Waste and Other Chemicals Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.01 Parties Meeting their Commitments and Obligations in Transmitting Information as Required by Rotterdam Convention on Hazardous Waste and Other Chemicals Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.01 Parties Meeting their Commitments and Obligations in Transmitting Information as Required by Stockholm Convention on Hazardous Waste and Other Chemicals Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.02 Hazardous Waste Generated Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.02 Hazardous Waste Generated per Capita Kg Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.02 Hazardous Waste Generated per Unit of GDP Kg per Constant 2015 USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.02 Municipal Waste Collected Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.04.02 Total Waste Generation, ISIC4_T Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0b.01 Implementation of Standard Accounting Tools to Monitor the Economic and Environmental Aspects of Tourism (SEEA and Tourism Satellite Account Tables) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0b.01 Implementation of Standard Accounting Tools to Monitor the Economic and Environmental Aspects of Tourism (SEEA Tables) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0b.01 Implementation of Standard Accounting Tools to Monitor the Economic and Environmental Aspects of Tourism (Tourism Satellite Account Tables) Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Subsidies (Consumption and Production) (Constant Price in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Subsidies (Consumption and Production) (Current Prices in Billions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Subsidies (Consumption and Production) as a Proportion of Total GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Subsidies (Consumption and Production) per Capita (Constant Price) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 12.0c.01 Fossil-Fuel Subsidies (Consumption and Production) per Capita (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 13.02.02 Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions without Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) for Non-Annex I Parties Mt CO2 equivalent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Beach Litter Originating from National Land-Based Sources that Ends in the Beach Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Beach Litter Originating from National Land-Based Sources that Ends in the Beach Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Beach Litter Originating from National Land-Based Sources that Ends in the Ocean Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Beach Litter Originating from National Land-Based Sources that Ends in the Ocean Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Beach Litter per Km2 Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Chlorophyll-a Anomaly, Remote Sensing, Extreme Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Chlorophyll-a Anomaly, Remote Sensing, High Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Chlorophyll-a Anomaly, Remote Sensing, Moderate Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Chlorophyll-a Deviations, Remote Sensing Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.01.01 Exported Beach Litter Originating from National Land-Based Sources Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.05.01 Average Proportion of Marine Key Biodiversity Areas Covered by Protected Areas Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 14.07.01 Sustainable Fisheries as a Proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.01.01 Forest Area (in Thousands) Hectares Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.01.01 Forest Area as a Proportion of Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.01.02 Average Proportion of Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas Covered by Protected Areas Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.01.02 Average Proportion of Terrestrial Key Biodiversity Areas Covered by Protected Areas Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.02.01 Above-Ground Biomass in Forest per Hectare Tonnes Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.02.01 Forest Area Certified under an Independently Verified Certification Scheme (in Thousands) Hectares Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.02.01 Forest Area Net Change Rate Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.02.01 Proportion of Forest Area with a Long-term Management Plan Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.02.01 Proportion of Forest Area within Legally Established Protected Areas Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.03.01 Proportion of Land that is Degraded over Total Land Area Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.04.01 Average Proportion of Mountain Key Biodiversity Areas Covered by Protected Areas Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.04.02 Area of Degraded Mountain Land Km2 Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.04.02 Mountain Green Cover Index 3 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.04.02 Mountain Green Cover Index 4 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.04.02 Mountain Green Cover Index 5 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.04.02 Mountain Green Cover Index 6 Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.04.02 Mountain Green Cover Index All Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.05.01 Red List Index Index Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.06.01 Countries that are Contracting Parties to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (1=YES; 0=NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.06.01 Countries that are Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (1 = YES; 0 = NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.06.01 Countries that have Legislative, Administrative and Policy Framework or Measures Reported through the Online Reporting System on Compliance of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (1=YES; 0=NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.06.01 Countries that have Legislative, Administrative and Policy Framework or Measures Reported to the Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House (1 = YES; 0 = NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.06.01 Total Reported Standard Material Transfer Agreements (SMTAs) Transferring Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture to the Country Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.08.01 Legislation, Regulation, Act Related to the Prevention of Introduction and Management of Invasive Alien Species (1=YES, 0=NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.08.01 National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) targets alignment to Aichi Biodiversity target 9 set out in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (1 = YES, 0 = NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 15.0a.01 / 15.0b.01 Total Official Development Assistance for Biodiversity, by Recipient Countries (Constant 2020 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.01.01 Victims of Intentional Homicide, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.01.01 Victims of Intentional Homicide, Both Sexes Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.01.01 Victims of Intentional Homicide, Female Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.01.01 Victims of Intentional Homicide, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.01.01 Victims of Intentional Homicide, Male Per 100,000 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.01.01 Victims of Intentional Homicide, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.02.02 Detected Victims of Human Trafficking for Forced Labour, Servitude and Slavery, All Ages, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.02.02 Detected Victims of Human Trafficking for Forced Labour, Servitude and Slavery, All Ages, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.02.02 Detected Victims of Human Trafficking, All Ages, Both Sexes Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.02.02 Detected Victims of Human Trafficking, All Ages, Female Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.02.02 Detected Victims of Human Trafficking, All Ages, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.03.02 Unsentenced Detainees as a Proportion of Overall Prison Population Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.05.01 Prevalence Rate of Bribery, Both Sexes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.05.02 Bribery Incidence, % of Firms Experiencing at Least One Bribe Payment Request Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.06.01 Primary Government Expenditures as a Proportion of Original Approved Budget Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.07.01 Number of Chairs of Lower Chamber or Unicameral Permanent Committees, Defence, Ages 46+, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.07.01 Number of Chairs of Lower Chamber or Unicameral Permanent Committees, Finance, Ages 46+, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.07.01 Number of Chairs of Lower Chamber or Unicameral Permanent Committees, Foreign Affairs, Ages 46+, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.07.01 Number of Chairs of Lower Chamber or Unicameral Permanent Committees, Human Rights, Ages 46+, Male Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 16.0a.01 Countries with National Human Rights Institutions in Compliance with the Paris Principles (1=Status A, 2=Status B, 3=Status C and 4=Status D) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.01.01 Total Government Revenue National Currency Units Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.01.01 Total Government Revenue (Budgetary Central Government) as a Proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.01.02 Proportion of Domestic Budget Funded by Domestic Taxes Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.03.01 Foreign Direct Investment, Inflows (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.03.01 Gross Receipts by Developing Countries of Mobilised Private Finance (MPF) - on an Experimental Basis (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.03.01 Gross Receipts by Developing Countries of Official Concessional Sustainable Development Loans (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.03.01 Gross Receipts by Developing Countries of Official Non-Concessional Sustainable Development Loans (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.03.01 Gross Receipts by Developing Countries of Official Sustainable Development Grants (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.03.01 Gross Receipts by Developing Countries of Private Grants (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.03.02 Volume of Remittances (in USD) as a Proportion of Total GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.04.01 Debt Service as a Proportion of Exports of Goods and Services Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, 2 Mbit/s to Less than 10 Mbit/s Per 100 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, 2 Mbit/s to Less than 10 Mbit/s Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, 256 Kbit/s to Less than 2 Mbit/s Per 100 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, 256 Kbit/s to Less than 2 Mbit/s Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, Any Speed Per 100 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, Any Speed Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, Equal to or Above 10 Mbit/s Per 100 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.06.01 Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions, Equal to or Above 10 Mbit/s Number Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.07.01 Amount of Tracked Exported Environmentally Sound Technologies (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.07.01 Amount of Tracked Imported Environmentally Sound Technologies (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.07.01 Amount of Tracked Re-Exported Environmentally Sound Technologies (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.07.01 Total Trade of Tracked Environmentally Sound Technologies (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.08.01 Internet Users Per 100 Population Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.08.01 Proportion of Individuals Using the Internet, Female Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.08.01 Proportion of Individuals Using the Internet, Male Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.09.01 Total Official Development Assistance (Gross Disbursement) for Technical Cooperation (Constant 2021 Prices in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Most-Favoured-Nation Status, Agricultural Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Most-Favoured-Nation Status, Arms Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Most-Favoured-Nation Status, Clothing Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Most-Favoured-Nation Status, Industrial Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Most-Favoured-Nation Status, Oil Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Most-Favoured-Nation Status, Textiles Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Most-Favoured-Nation Status, Total or No Breakdown Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Preferential Status, Agricultural Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Preferential Status, Arms Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Preferential Status, Clothing Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Preferential Status, Industrial Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Preferential Status, Oil Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Preferential Status, Textiles Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.10.01 Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average, Preferential Status, Total or no Breakdown Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.11.01 Developing Countries’ and Least Developed Countries’ Share of Global Merchandise Exports Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.11.01 Developing Countries’ and Least Developed Countries’ Share of Global Merchandise Imports Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.11.01 Developing Countries’ and Least Developed Countries’ Share of Global Services Exports Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.11.01 Developing Countries’ and Least Developed Countries’ Share of Global Services Imports Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Most-Favored Nation Status, Agricultural Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Most-Favored Nation Status, Arms Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Most-Favored Nation Status, Clothing Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Most-Favored Nation Status, Industrial Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Most-Favored Nation Status, Oil Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Most-Favored Nation Status, Textiles Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Most-Favored Nation Status, Total or No Breakdown Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Preferential Status, Agricultural Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Preferential Status, Arms Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Preferential Status, Clothing Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Preferential Status, Industrial Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Preferential Status, Oil Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Preferential Status, Textiles Product Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.12.01 Average Tariff Applied by Developed Countries, Preferential Status, Total or No Breakdown Products Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Annual Broad Money Growth Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Bank Capital to Assets Ratio Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Broad Money to Total Reserves Ratio Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Cash Surplus/Deficit as a Proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 DEC Alternative Conversion Factor, per USD National Currency Units Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 External Debt Stocks as a Proportion of GNI Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows, as a Proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Merchandise Trade as a Proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Portfolio Investment, Net (Balance of Payments) (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Tax Revenue as a Proportion of GDP Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.13.01 Total Reserves in Months of Imports Ratio Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.15.01 Extent of Use of Country-Owned Results Frameworks and Planning Tools by Providers of Development Cooperation, Recipient Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.15.01 Proportion of Project Objectives in New Development Interventions Drawn from Country-Led Result Frameworks, Recipient Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.15.01 Proportion of Results Indicators Drawn from Country-Led Results Frameworks, Recipient Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.15.01 Proportion of Results Indicators which will be Monitored Using Government Sources and Monitoring Systems, Recipient Percent Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.17.01 Amount of United States Dollars Committed to Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure, Nominal (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.17.01 Amount of United States Dollars Committed to Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure, Real (in Millions) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.18.02 Countries with National Statistical Legislation Exists that Complies with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (1=Yes; 0=No) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.18.03 Countries with National Statistical Plans that are Fully Funded (1=Yes; 0=No) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.18.03 Countries with National Statistical Plans that are under Implementation (1=Yes; 0=No) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.18.03 Countries with National Statistical Plans with Funding from Government (1 = Yes; 0 = No) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.19.01 All Resources Made Available to Strengthen Statistical Capacity in Developing Countries (Current Prices) USD Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.19.02 Countries with Birth Registration Data that are at least 90% Complete (1=YES; 0=NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.
SDG 17.19.02 Countries with Death Registration Data that are at least 75% Complete (1=YES; 0=NO) Grouping Value Please refer to for metadata.